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The affair the next day was much more classy than anything she has attended before.  Henry is accustom to such events and promised he wouldn't leave her side.  Each couple was announced as they entered.

"Sir Henry Chapman and Countess Blake Chapman of Lorraine." They are introduced and everyone clapped very lightly.

Her classy satin forties style silver dress was beautiful, but no dress could match Blake's beauty.  Her hairstyle was reminiscent of the greatest generation and her beautiful gray eyes were prominent with her makeup.   Henry wore the classic tuxedo, and together they were the most handsome couple at the ball. 

Justine looked beautiful in her dark blue gown that matched her eyes.  Her blonde hair flowed down her back, and for once in his life, Alexander was speechless.  She agreed to be his date, and he was on top of the world. 

"I think love is in the air."  Mateo nodded toward his nephew.  "You are even more gorgeous every time I see you, Blake."  Mateo kissed her hand, and Gina looked at her with approval before giving her and her son a knowing look. Something has changed, and her mother's intuition tells her is something magical. Mateo shook his son's hand and could see something has changed with him.  He's seen a happiness he has never seen before. 

"Son, may I have a word?"

"Yes, excuse us.  I'll be right back and mother please stay by her side.  She's a bit nervous."  Henry kissed the top of her head and walked out behind his father to the back gardens of the castle.

"Somethings changed.  Spill it, son."  Mateo lights a cigar after offering one to Henry which he declined. 

"Fine, you were right.  She is amazing, and I do love her Dad.  I really do."  Mateo grins with satisfaction. 

"You're a lucky man, don't ever forget that, son.  She's a beauty and..."

Henry interrupts.  "..and she's pregnant."  Henry finishes Mateos sentence.  They had agreed to tell his parents since her family and Alexander already know.

"She's what? You just...the other day.  How in the hell did she get pregnant when you haven't been sharing the marital bed?"  Mateo is guarded.

"It happened in Boston, just once, and she got pregnant.  I avoided her after that for a few weeks.  I was a real ass for treating her the way I did, but now we are on the same page.  We are happy, and I'm happy about our baby.  I didn't know she could be more beautiful and now she's exquisite.  I want what I never wanted before.  Dad, you were so right."

Mateo smiles ear to ear and squeezes Henry's shoulder.  "Very good son, very good.  I'm proud of you, and I'll be the lads pappy.  Your mother is going to be so happy.  She loves that girl like she's her own child.  It's a fine day son, a real fine day." 

"Thanks, Dad.  I have no doubts this will all work out beautifully.  I'm the luckiest man alive.  Maybe you did make a great decision all those years ago.  I never knew I could feel this happy." 

"Love will do that, son.  When your mother was pregnant with you, it was amazing.  We only regret we couldn't have more children."  Mateo frowned.

"Well, maybe we can fill the house full."  Henry laughs.

"Don't get too far ahead of yourself yet.  You have yet to change a nappy." Mateo laughs, and Henry swears he will never change one. 

"Let's go find your mother." He pats his son on the back.

Gina can't quite place what it is about Henry tonight.  He's like a different man, and he's so attentive to his wife.  "Darling, I think our son has some news."  Mateo smiles at his wife.  "What did you do now, Henry."  She wasn't amused, but everyone else laughed.

Henry leans in and whispered in his mother's ear.  "I got my wife pregnant." Her eyes grew large and her jaw drops in shock. 

She looks between her daughter-in-law and son, and when they see tears building, Mateo takes her hand.  "Not here, Gina.  I'm sure they don't want the whole world to know yet.

"How..wait..how far along are you?  I didn't think you were... I'm sorry, I just."

"Mum, it happened in Boston.  She's pregnant with my baby, and we are truly happy."

Blake had to laugh.  His parents were never given an impression that they've been intimate since Henry was always running away from home and hiding, so Blake wasn't offended.

"I'm going to be a grandmother?"  She's still in shock.  Everyone nods yes and she apologizes to Blake.  "I'm so sorry, I just didn't think the two of you had any kind of intimacy.  I'm so happy."  She hugs Blake, and Blake assures her that it's okay and she wasn't offended.

Henry wraps his arms around Blake from behind and they watched Alexander and Justine dance.  "He's head over heels you know?"  Henry asks.

"She is too, believe me, and Justine never gets attached.  She looks at him differently."  She looked up at him.  "I love you." She reminds him, and he leans his head down and kisses his wife. 

Kathleen asks for everyone's attention.

"Ladies and gentleman, thank you for joining us tonight.  As you all know I lost my daughter years ago.  She left behind her infant daughter, and unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, we lost touch with our little Rose. 

But we have been fortunate enough to be reunited.  My granddaughter is an amazing woman with a handsome and successful husband.  She has worked hard for her Ivy League education and rewarding career as a physician.  She traveled thousands of miles and started her life in a foreign country, and she's here finally with her family. 

Please, take a moment to meet my gorgeous granddaughter and her husband.  Henry and Blake Chapman.

They all clapped and looked at the couple with envy. 

Blake's Twisted Fate (A Completed Steamy, Romance)Where stories live. Discover now