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"Finally, I meet the spawn that killed her."

The girls turned and saw a middle-aged man, that is much too calm for the situation.  She can hear gunfire outside and in the house.  Another man points a gun at them.

"Run!" Alexander screams.

The girls try to run, but the stranger pulls her into him from behind and wrapped an unusually large hand around her throat. 

Then they heard a helicopter, and Ivan knew he was surrounded. 

"Take me to this safe room your friend speaks of, and if you try anything, your sister will be dead."

She tried to look at Henry, but the man wouldn't allow her to turn her head. 

"Walk!" He yelled, and Blake put one foot in front of the other.  The closer she got to the basement door, he eased up his grip. She tried to be extra careful on the steps, then she made it outside the room.

"Open it!" He yells again, and the noise from upstairs started to die down.

Ivan knows he will never leave this room alive, but its okay as long as he gets to exact his revenge on Maxwell.

As soon as she got the door open, he shoved her inside, but she managed not to fall.  He slammed the door shut behind them and motioned for her to take a seat.

Blake's body shakes as she takes a seat, her mind on Henry and their baby, as she knows she will never see him again.

"I married a common man, and I'm not threat to anyone." She cried, and he just smiled before he took a seat.

"You're not a threat, but a means to an end.  My goodness, you look like your mother."

"I didn't even know my mother!" 

He leaned forward almost into her face.  "My point exactly.  You're what ended her life.  Waverly should never have been mixed up with Romanov scum, let alone bring another one into this world.  I see him in your eyes."

"So this is revenge?  All this and the loss of life is because you were jealous of my father?  A man I never even met?" She is disgusted by him, but Ivan is intrigued.

"You're so beautiful, such a testament to your mother, but look at you here with this fortune."

"My father gave up his fortune to be with my mother!" She yells.

"Your father wanted to bring power back to his family by creating you.  Don't let them fool you, my dear.  Maxwell was scum, and only wanted your mother to give him power.  That man had enough funds to carry generations of Romanov children.  There would have been more too if he wasn't ended.  Instead, my Waverly died protecting your life."

"That's because she was a mother!  It had nothing to do with my bloodline.  Instead, you would rather kill what part of her is left in this world?  The part she died protecting?  Killing me and her grandchild is ending her, not some conspiracy.  You're sick!"

Ivan is reminded of Waverly's temper, and he sees his Waverly for the first time in nearly thirty years.  Has he been so blinded by grief, he missed what is right in front of him?

"I have a man with a gun pointed at your husbands head at this very moment.  If you fight me, he will die."

Blake sees he is questioning his agenda the more he looks at her.

"You loved my mother." She smiles, "At least you think you loved her."

He backhand's her across the face.  "Don't even try to question my love for that woman!"

She wiped the blood from her face.  "She would have loved me just as much if I was your daughter!  I'm a part of Waverly.  I'm her blood!  My baby is her blood!"

She screams at him, then she hears banging on the door. 

"Shut up!   That's why I was too weak to kill you the first time!"

"The Romanov line dies when I give birth!  Waverly dies, when my child and I die!" He is becoming erratic and punches the wall.  He doesn't understand what is happening.

"You should have been protecting me, not harming me!"

"Shut up!" He screams, then takes the gun from the back of his pants and points it at her.  Blake's life flashes before her eyes, and Ivan is holding his breath trying to do what he came to do, but fights a battle internally as he looks once again at the girl.

He screams and turns the gun on himself. 

"I loved Waverly since I was a child.  Every first was with that girl and you should have been my daughter!" Tears stream from his eyes, and his erratic behavior intensifies as the men outside the door work to get inside.  Ivan knows they can get in, because they probably built the damn room.

Blake just watched and is completely filled with fear.  He tried to point it at her again, but couldn't do it.  Suddenly, the door busts open and Jake attacks the man.  Blake huddles in the corner and jumps when she hears a gunshot, and both men fall to the floor with Jake on top.

Jakes lifts up and Blake can't tell who is shot, but sees Jake throw the gun away from Ivan and whispers.  "I guess you didn't know she has a brother you piece of shit!"

Horror was on Ivan's face as he gasped for air, and Blake drops to the floor to try to help the man that tried to kill her. Mateo runs in and pulls her away, and her home is swarming with agents. 

Her body shakes as she looks down at the man, and is frozen still, as Mateo drags her away.

Blake's Twisted Fate (A Completed Steamy, Romance)Where stories live. Discover now