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Months Later...

Henry wants to treat his wife to a nice dinner before their baby is born.  Blake just really wants to have a quiet night at home, but doesn't want to disappoint her husband.

She's now four days past her due date, and energy is running low for Blake.

Her arrogant playboy husband has proven to be loyal and attentive to her every need.  Henry is just as shocked as everyone else but Blake.  She knew from the moment he dedicated himself, he meant It, because she could feel how much he wanted it.

After a nice dinner, he walked her to the car and she paused.

"Henry, either I peed a little or my water broke."

Panic overwhelmed Henry, but Blake assured him they were in no hurry.  It's her first baby, and labor will probably take a very long time.

He helps her into the car and tries to be calm.

"Henry, we need to go home first to get my bag."

"What?  You're in labor!"

"Technically, my contractions haven't started, yet so I'm not in labor."

"Fine, but if our child makes her great entrance in this car, it's not my fault."

Blake experiences her first contraction when she is waiting in the car for Henry to run into their home and grab her bag.  It wasn't real intense, so she just played it cool when Henry got back into the car.

Henry keeps glancing at his wife as he drives, and notices her gripping on to the door handle.

"You're having contractions?"

She finally admitted it with a smile and a nod of her head.  One thing that always drives Henry crazy, is how she is always trying to make things easier for him, although it's not necessary. 

He stays calm and just talks her through it until they get to the hospital and helps her out of the car.  "I'll move the car once you're checked in." He said, as he guided her to the desk.

Her contractions become more intense by the time the labor and delivery team had her settled in her own room.

The team was amazed at how quickly Blake is progressing.  Her contractions become close together, and she is in hard labor.

"Henry, you better move the car now!" She said just as her next contraction started.  She's at 8 centimeters dilation, so he rushes outside to quickly park the car leaving Blake alone in her room.

She breathes through each contraction, mentally cursing the damn car that is in the way outside.

Henry jogs out to the car and tries to find a place to park, but unfortunately, it's all the way in the back.  He curses as he throws the car into park and jumps out. 

Blake is now screaming through her contractions, but as Henry remembers the bag in the trunk and quickly opens it, something stung on his chest, and as he looks down, blood pours from a wound.

"Blake," he whispers as he collapses on the ground.

Blake is dilated to ten centimeters quickly as an emergency team runs to Henry and tends to his wound.

"Where's my husband?"  She asks as the nurses placed her legs up on stirrups. 

"He may have run into trouble finding a spot.  He will be right back."

"Mrs. Chapman I need a good hard push." She screams as the baby is slowly being pushed out of her body.

Henry lies on a table fighting for his life, and Blake has no idea what has happened.

She screams for him as she pushes, and Henry's heart is failing.  His medical team scurries around trying to save his life, while his wife screams in agony delivering life.

"Find my husband!" She screams as the doctor sends a nurse out to find him.

"The head is out!  You're doing well, but just give me a few more pushes."

"Henry!" She screams, while doctors rush her husband into surgery. 

Their baby cries, while Henry's heart stops. 

"It's a boy!" The doctor places the tiny infant in Blake's arms and she cries.

As one man takes his last breath, a child take's his first.

"Please find my husband."  Blake begs as they wipe off her baby boy and the doctor works below.

The labor and delivery nurse gets the news of what happened when she sees police everywhere and hears helicopters outside.

"Something happened to my husband, you don't understand." She cries, just as Gina rushed into her room.

Gina is mortified that Henry has disappeared, and she knows of the police presence.  Mateo demands information, but right now there is none to give.

Blake's Twisted Fate (A Completed Steamy, Romance)Where stories live. Discover now