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Henry woke to a painful moan, and when he opened his eyes Blake was in his bed. The first thing he notices is they're fully clothed.

He goes to get up and she throws the covers over her head.

"What's wrong?"

"Why am I in here?"

He laughs. "One word. Vodka."

"I hate vodka." She pouts.

"I'll get you some Tylenol and water. Be right back." He got up and went to his bathroom, struggling through his own hangover.

She throws the covers off her, and he hands her the medicine. She sits up and takes it.

"I'm sorry, for being in here since it is your room." She goes to stand and had to laugh.

"I think we can let the rules slide. That was before I knew your intentions. I'm sorry." He apologizes.

She stands and walks up to him and kisses his cheek. "You're a doll." She giggles, and walks out of the room.

He stands there still conflicted. He has a beautiful wife who's brilliant, beautiful, and kind, but he doesn't trust himself. Not with her heart, but then again, she may not feel the same anyway so, maybe he doesn't have to feel guilty.

On Tuesday, they landed in Boston. He could see how happy she is, so maybe the trip was worth it. They walked out of the terminal, and a short, but cute, little blonde all but attacks Blake. She squeals as she hugs her so he presumes this is his new sister in law.

"Justine, this is Henry Chapman, his friends call him Chap. Henry this is my little sister, Justine." The girl smiles at him and shakes his hand. "I'm pleased to meet you." She says, and he treats her back with a smile.

Henry loads their baggage into Justine's little car, and before long, he's hanging on for life, as the crazy little one speeds past the other cars and barely watches the road.

"I have to go to the practice and pack up my things. Want to come along?" She asks.

"Sure." He answers.

Once they got back to her house, he was impressed by the modest but beautiful home. They unloaded their bags and got into her car. "I hope shadow is okay with your parents. He won't forget me will he?" She asks while she drives.

"He's fine. So tell me about your life here."

"There's not much to tell. I worked, and that's about it. I wasn't at the practice long, I worked at a hospital. It's ironic really. When I was married, I lost him because I worked too much and we divorced. then I had all kinds of time, but didn't do anything. I don't know how, to be honest."

"You're married again and have too much time on your hands." He reached over and held her hand.

She loves the way his hands feel.

She looks over and smiles. "That'll change soon. I don't want to work at a hospital, plus it may take some time to get my license to practice."

She pulls into a parking lot and they both get out. "I really miss working here.  They think I left to marry the love of my life."  She giggles.

"We can play the part."  That's when she noticed he still wears his ring.

They walk in the back, and are quickly met by Dr. McSleezy.  "Ah, and the most beautiful pediatrician in the world comes home.  Are you here to stay?" 

Henry walks up behind her and the doctor's eyes grow wide.  She introduced Henry as her husband, and Dr. McSleezy was called away.

"That man has eyes for you,"  Henry whispers in her ear. 

"He's also the reason I only see a female Gynocologist for my own care."  She says, and Henry laughs.

She gathers her things and says goodbye to everyone, and Henry senses her sadness.  "Let me take my wife out to dinner.  What do you say?" 

"Sure, where do you want to go?" 

"Well, this is your city, you decide."  He answers.

They end up eating greasy burgers and drinking Budweiser in a bar not far from her house.  "I missed American food so bad!"  He laughs when her eyes light up. 

There's country music playing, and she's surprised he's familiar with Luke Bryan.  "Come, let's dance!"  He pulls her up and leads her to the dance floor. 

She loves how safe she feels in his arms.  He loves having her body so close to his.  He leans his forehead against hers and closes his eyes.  He breathes her in and loves how she smells like vanilla and strawberries. 

The song ends, and they decide to finish their beer before heading home.  They were laughing and having a great time, but when they stood her face drops.

"Blake?"  Henry hears, and turns around and sees a tall dark haired man with a girl that doesn't even look old enough to be in a bar. 

"Ryan, it's nice to see you."  Henry now knows who the man is, the idiot that left Blake.

"Oh, this is Sandra.  Sandra, this is Dr. Blake Russo."  He introduces, and Blake smiles and takes her hand.

"Its Dr. Chapman now,"  Henry speaks up, and Ryan's face turns pale.

"Yes, Ryan this is my husband, Henry Chapman."  Henry holds out his hand, but Ryan looks at Blake.  "We need to talk."  He grabs her arm. 

"Fine, Henry will you be okay?"  Henry nods, but isn't too happy.  He orders another beer and sits across from the child Ryan brought.

Ryan pulls her outside.  "What the fuck, Blake?  The ink on our divorce papers hasn't even dried." 

"Wow!  You're not serious, are you?  You had a whole relationship with that child when we were still married!'  She fumes.

"I didn't marry her, and I also heard you took a position at an established practice.  What the fuck, Blake?  No time while we were married, but as soon as I leave, you find the time?  You know how much I've always loved you, but we could have made it work if that's what you were going to do!"  He yells.

"You cheated, Ryan!  I told you to have patience, but you didn't wait.  It's not easily forgotten.  Plus, I'm no longer with that practice.  I've moved to London."  She yells back.

"You what?  Why?"  He questions.

"That's where my husband lives.  He has a company to run, and I can practice anywhere." 

"You seriously aren't even working now?  What happened to you?"  He asks.

"I found my biological family and moved closer to them and found some happiness.  I'm going back to work, Ryan.  It's only temporary, why do you care?  You've got Sally wets a lot in there to keep you warm at night.  Just like she did during our marriage." 

"I care, because I still love you.  I'll always love you.  Don't you get that, Blake?" 

"You could never have cheated if that was true.  I'm going to get my husband and go home now.  Bye Ryan, and I hope you have a great life."  She walks away and sees Henry sitting at the booth looking bored, as Ryan's girlfriend talks up a storm.

Henry smiles ear to ear when he sees her, and for just a moment, his heart skips a beat.

Blake's Twisted Fate (A Completed Steamy, Romance)Where stories live. Discover now