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Blake came into the house and walked right past Justine, walked straight to the freezer, and pulled out a tub of ice cream and grabbed a spoon. 

"Wow, something didn't go well today."  Justine followed her into the kitchen, but Blake walked right past her again and went to the bedroom.

She collapsed on to her bed and cried while she ate just about the whole tub.  When she noticed, she started crying harder. 

Henry knocked on the door and cautiously made his entrance. 

"I'm so sorry, Henry.  I caused a scene at your work, and I was so wrong.  You didn't deserve that."  She sniffled.  "It's not your fault.  One minute I'm happy, and the next I'm crying.  I already know about your past and I trust you, I do, and I made you feel like shit, and that damn Abigail smirked, so I came home and, look." She showed him the tub of ice cream. 

"I'm going to be a fatass."  She sobbed.

Henry let out a sigh of relief and sat down next to her. 

"That was a brand new tub of ice cream."  He took it from her and set it down.

She put her face in her hands and cried. 

He chuckled. "You have pregnancy hormones?"  She nodded, and he pulled her into his chest.  She sobbed into his shirt and jacket, but Henry couldn't care less.

"I can't change my past, Blake.  I wish I could, and to tell you the truth, if it were reversed, I'd be upset too.  So, don't think you were in the wrong.  I shouldn't have done those things in the first place, so it's like my punishment.  It shouldn't be yours." He ran his fingers through her hair.  "Abigail displayed some terrible behavior today.  She's been transferred to a different department, and Alexander is getting me a new assistant.  I told him preferable male." He chuckled and she did too.

She lifted her head up and he kissed her. "Are we good?" He asked, and she nodded. 

"That doesn't excuse my behavior, Henry.  You haven't done anything since we committed to each other to make me distrust you.  I saw how determined you were not to hurt me.  I'm sorry."  She said, and he wiped a tear from her cheek. 

"Don't be, but seriously, did you really just eat almost all that ice cream?"   

She laughed and smacked his chest. 

"I guess you won't be needing dinner then?"   She flashed him an angry look.

"Nevermind, I've got some stuff I need to do in my office.  You're  okay now?"

She smiled.  "I'm great." He chuckled and walked out of her room.

She jumps in the shower and freshened up before going back downstairs.

"Is everything okay? Henry looked scared when he walked in the door."  Justine worries about her sister.

"Oh, Justine, these pregnancy hormones are no joke.  I just got upset over something ridiculous and he was concerned.  So, are you seeing Alexander tonight?" She smirks at Justine.

"Oh my God! You just blushed!  Justine Russo just blushed over a guy!"  Blake laughs.

"He's... Blake, I really like him.  Between that British accent, and the way he looks at me.  I don't know, I'm confused."  She shakes her head.

"What about Eric?"

"You know we are just friends, Blake.  He's a great guy and awesome in the sack, but he's no Alexander." 

"You slept with Alexander?"  Blake looks amused.

"That's the thing, I haven't, and I already like him, a lot.  It won't work out though, he's in London and I'm in Boston."

"Love finds a way, sis.  I promise."  Blake assures her, and she shakes her head.  "I never said I'm in love."

"Who's not in love?"  Henry stands there with a grin on his face. 

"I'm not even having this conversation." Justine shakes her head.

"Ah, little cousin is sweeping you off your feet, huh?  What about Eric?" He takes a seat next to Blake and pulls her up into his lap.

"She said they're just friends."  Blake laughs.

"Wow, you're a great friend from what we heard from Blake's room." Justine blushes and throws a kitchen towel at him, but it lands on Blake's head. 

"Be careful with Alexander.  He's a good guy, but he's been hurt in the past.  Just be patient with him.  He's worth the wait."  Henry kisses Blake on the head.

"Who's worth it?"  Alexander walks in with his hands in his pocket. 

"Nothing, did you take care of that problem?"  Henry asks.

"Yep, George starts tomorrow, and Abigail will be working under Fiona down on 12.  She has strict orders to stay away from the top floor.  George comes from Legal, so it all worked out."

"Good." Henry nods in approval.

"It's still early, we should all go do something.  I've only got a few days left." Justine suggests.

"Like what?" Blake asks.

"Let the guys pick.  They're from here." Alexander and Henry both grin.  "Go put something dressy, but not formal, on and meet us back down here in thirty," Henry says, and slaps Blake's ass as she stands up, making her yelp.

Henry chases Blake upstairs, and she giggles as he tickles her.  He gives her one deep kiss before grabbing some clothes of his own since there's mascara on his shirt.

When he turns around, he finds Blake trying to zip her pants.  She resorted to laying in the bed and trying to zip them like that, and Henry couldn't help but laugh. 

"Its..not...funny." She struggles then gives up.  He walked over and pulled them off of her then climbed on top of her.  "You're beautiful, just throw on a dress.  I said classy, not casual. As long as it's comfortable."  He kisses her and starts getting carried away. 

He pulled off his own pants and laid back on top of her.  We've still got 20 minutes.  I only need 2." He said, and she laughed as he started kissing her neck and pushing down her panties. 

She laid there ready for him when he slid inside her, and she gasped.  Their usual routine is sex at least twice a day, and if it were up to them, it would be more. 

Blake's Twisted Fate (A Completed Steamy, Romance)Where stories live. Discover now