Out Of The Bag

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Henry carried all of Blake's bags upstairs and she followed behind. They had some down time before the had to get ready for dinner, and Blake's body was screaming for a bath.

Henry had other plans, but instead, they settled for a bath together. She leans back after he got in the hot water and rested her head on the crook of his neck.

"How's my baby?" His hand settles on her stomach. "Good, our baby is very happy that Mommy and Daddy aren't arguing anymore."

Henry chuckles. "Daddy is too, believe me."

The hot water soothed her sore muscles, and being so close to her husband, brought her a relaxing peace. They almost dozed off, so they decided to finish in the shower before getting ready.

She was amazed at how many people came for dinner, and this is just immediate family. Kathleen's sister Claire and her grown children, her Uncle Montgomery and his wife Adele and their children, Bradley and Allison.

Kathleen's daughter Rose, who Blake finds out she was originally named after, and her husband Gerard. They have no children.

Everyone seemed nice enough, but it was still overwhelming. She went her whole life never meeting any flesh and blood, and now there's so many.

"I heard you're a physician. It must run in the family." Adele says with a warm smile on her face.

"Yes, I'm opening a practice in London. Things really seem to be going very good." She smiles, and Henry squeezes her hand.

This brought up a point he hadn't thought of before, working while pregnant. He stiffens in his chair and Blake notices.

"That's wonderful. I have to say we've thought about you a lot over the years. My sister would be so proud." Rose compliments.

"Thanks, that means a lot to me." She answers.

The staff finished filling their wine glasses, and there's a smell that isn't sitting well with Blake.

"Our chef makes the best escargot." Kathleen brags, and Henry notices his wife turn pale.

"Excuse me for just a moment." She gets up. "I'll come with you," Henry says, but she didn't want him to see her get sick, so she asked him to stay.

"Well, maybe there is something to say about a great-grandchild after all." Kathleen laughed. "I remember when I was pregnant with Maxwell. I wouldn't even let seafood in the house. Gustav, please remove the escargot and move on to the next course."

Alexander gives Henry a grin. The cats out of the bag now.

"Will my granddaughter really be working while pregnant, Henry?"

He looks like a deer caught in headlights.

"Umm," he clears his throat. "We just found out and it hasn't been discussed. She has my support if that's her decision, but I'd rather her stay home if possible. My wife is very dedicated to her career." He says with uncertainty.

"Stubborn too, if she's anything like my wife," Montgomery adds and chuckles. "As a physician, I can assure you, she will be just fine working. She will know her limits." He adds.

"Doctors make the worst patients, though." Adele laughs.

Blake finally made it back down. "Dear, you should try some ginger. It always helped when I was pregnant."

Blake's face turned red and she looked at Henry.

"I promise I didn't tell them." Everyone laughed as Henry defended himself.

"He didn't sweetheart, I just know a pregnant woman when I see one. That's why I asked you yesterday, you have that glow." Kathleen smiles with pride.

"Oh, I guess I couldn't have hidden it much longer anyhow." Henry squeezes her hand to reassure her that everything is okay. Gustav brought her a glass of water and slowly Blake started to feel better.

Henry leaned over and whispered in her ear. "I'm sorry."

She squeezed his hand and smiled.

After dinner, they all stayed at the table talking. They wanted to hear all about her life in Boston and about her adoptive parents. Justine joined into the conversation, and it flowed easily to Blake's surprise. It's like they've known each other for years.

Henry couldn't wait till it was time for bed. What he didn't know was that his wife was even more excited. Her new found sex drive and pregnancy hormones are going to make Henry a very happy man over the next several months. He had no idea how much better his life was going to get, the life he protested against for the last three months, is the very one he didn't know he needed.

He followed her upstairs after telling everyone good night, and as soon as he shut the door and locked it, she started trying to take off his clothes. "Slow down there tiger."

He laughed as she looked at him with lust in her eyes. "Holy shit." He mutters when he sees it.

She looks like a predator and he's her prey. He quickly helped her remove his clothes and hers came off so fast he didn't know how it happened.

She pushed him down on the bed and climbed on top of him. "I love married life." He said with a grin as she lowered herself with him inside her.

She grabbed both of his hands and held them down as she moved her body. Her lips on his as she moaned in pleasure.

He wanted to enjoy her for a few minutes longer, so he flipped her around and was on top. Nipping and tugging on her bottom lip as he slowly made love to her.

No fantasies or sexual encounters combined, could even compare to making love to his wife. He feels like a daily dose of Blake could make him live forever. She energizes him and makes him look at life in a completely different way than he ever has before.

He thrusts faster and harder, but it's not enough for Blake. Not this time.

"I want you to bend me over like last night." She demands, and he's more than happy to do just that, when he flips her over and starts thrusting. He feels her tighten like a vice and again he's taken into a different world.

Blake has never felt anything like she has for Henry. She is so deeply in love, and having him inside her only intensifies her feelings. She loves his touch, his kiss, and his every single move. He makes her feel beautiful and so free. She urges him to pound harder as her orgasm builds higher and higher. Her thighs shake and his grunts and moans throw her over the edge. She loves being the reason he feels so good.

"Blake, I love you! Come with me...oh god." She smirks and her heart skips a beat, as he once again explodes inside her.

Henry knows now that he's the luckiest and happiest man on earth.

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