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Henry's car stopped in front of an abandoned building, and both he and Alexander helped their loves out of the car. "Umm...Henry, what is this, some kind of Jack the Ripper thing?" Blake asks, and Henry laughs. "You have such a dark mind sometimes."

They walked around the side of the building and went down some steps. The door opened and they were greeted by jazz music. "Its a speakeasy!" Justine jumps in excitement.

"Ah, and we have a designated driver." She points at Blake and laughs. Henry leans in. "I'm not drinking, don't worry, Love."

She shakes her head. "No, it's fine, this is perfect and I'll still have fun." They found a table and the guys went to the bar and came back with three whiskeys and a water.

They laugh and enjoy themselves, when Justine pulls Alexander out to the dancefloor. It was the funniest thing ever watching them try to dance. "I don't remember ever seeing my sister so happy," Blake shouts to Henry. "Yeah, same with my cousin. Twisted fate babe, remember I said that?"

She smiles at him, and all he can do is look at his beautiful wife. The hell if he will let someone from his past ruin what he has with this beautiful woman. He learned today that being honest with her is the best policy. It earned her trust, and he plans to make sure he doesn't ever screw this up.

Watching her try to wiggle into those pants was one of the cutest things he's ever seen. The way her nose scrunched up, and she got so frustrated. Ever her crying and eating a tub of ice cream was adorable.

He reaches over and grabs her hand. "Have I told you today how beautiful you are?"

She smiled. "You may have mentioned that a few times."

"I love you." He reminds her again. "I love you too, Henry."

They all drink a little more and Henry starts to refuse, but Justine and Alexander just keep buying him more and more.

"You are so beautiful, Blake. Do you know that?" He slurs. "Yes, you already told me that a few times.

"You're having my baby." He reminds him. "Yes, I know." She giggles at his drunkness.

"Hey, everybody! This hot chick here is my wife, and she's having my baby!" Everyone starts cheering and Blake is so embarrassed. "I'm going to be the father!" Everyone cheers. "And my wife is hotter than hell! Look at her! That's my wife, and she's a doctor!" Everyone cheers again as Blake tries to get him to sit down. "I'm sorry love, I'm just so damn happy and proud of you. You're a fucking doctor! You've got to be brilliant to be a doctor! Did you know that?"

She laughs. "That's what some say, I guess." She looks over, and Justine is straddling Alexander and practically humping him.

"Note to self. Don't let your husband drink at a speakeasy." She mutters. "What babe? I didn't catch that." He throws back another shot.

"Nothing." She smiles at him, and shakes her head.

"Hey, I have to make a phone call. I'm just stepping right outside. I'll be right back." He nods and takes a look around.

She steps out into the cold November air and dials her driver. "I've got three drunks, and I need help getting them home."

"Hey, beautiful." Two men approach her and one blocks the entrance. "My husband is right inside." She warns them. Her driver yelling on the other end because he can hear the men.

"He must not be such a great guy to let a girl as pretty as you stand out here alone."

"Please, take everything I've got. I'm pregnant, and I don't want any trouble." One guy laughs. "What makes you think all we want is your money?" The taller one flicks his cigarette on the ground.

"Keep your hands off me! You have no idea who I am, and my husband can ruin you." She warns again.

"The lady said to leave her alone." A tall man comes out from the dark ally. "And you're going to stop us?" The man by the door grabs her and holds a knife to her throat.

"It would be a shame to put scars on such a beautiful woman."

She can feel the knife cut into her and blood run down her neck.

"Let the lady go, this is your last warning." The handsome man warns one last time. Blake is so scared, she can no longer feel anything.

"Look, see, I think we have the upper hand here, so you better back away." The man with the knife says.

The last thing she saw was a flash of light and a loud bang. Everything went dark.

Blake's Twisted Fate (A Completed Steamy, Romance)Where stories live. Discover now