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"You're evil."  He whispers back in her ear.

"You like it."  She breathes back. 

His head lowers, and he catches himself brushing his lips against her neck.  "I hate it."  He answers, then kisses her soft skin.

"Your actions say otherwise."  She closes her eyes, while ignoring the warning sirens going off in her head.

His lips trail up and brush against her plump beautiful lips.  His breath catching hers and the smell of him blessing her senses.

"Liar."  She whispers.

His hand leaves hers and he places it on her cheek.  "I don't lie."  He's not, he does hate how madly he's attracted to her, and she is his enemy.

She opens her eyes and looked into his.  Her eyes are now his favorite thing to look at.

Her lips part, and he gently places his lips on hers and he can feel her body go limp.  His tongue enters her mouth as he kisses her.  She moans a tiny moan and his heart races.

He's lost in her for just a moment. 

Jesus Christ, what is she doing to me?

He's strong and passionate, but suddenly she realizes there's no music and they're just standing there kissing. She pushes him away.

He stood there looking at her and she sees the lust in his eyes.  "Excuse me."  She walks away and goes straight to the bathroom.

Locking herself into the bathroom stall, she finds it the safest place to be at the moment.  She leans against the door and mentally reprimands herself for letting him in so close.  He's an egotistical jackass, and she just let him kiss her.  She runs her fingers over her lips and shuts her eyes.  She's angry with herself for having any kind of intimate moment with Henry.

She hears the door open, and two women are talking.

"I wonder if she truly believes he has the ability to stay faithful.  He was with Juliette for three years and he cheated on her, such a slimeball."  One woman says.

"I never saw him look at Juliette the way he did his new wife.  I think he's got it bad for her and she's safe.  I mean she's gorgeous, and Juliette has nothing on Blake."  The other one responds.

"Maybe there is no question that he's a man whore, so if that girl can't tame him, nobody can."  They both laugh.

"I heard she's a doctor, the whole package I guess.  He doesn't deserve such a sweet woman.  I talked to her, and she defiantly fits the bill as a new good friend.  She's funny too." 

Blake can't help but smile.

"Yeah, Henry did marry up.  Usually, he's the one that dates below his status, but now he knows what it's like to be with someone above his status.  Did you see the way all those men drool over her, and she's an American?  Not as rough around the edges as most Americans I've met." 

The ladies then go on about other subjects before walking out.  Blake walks out of the stall and washes her hands before reapplying her lipstick and gaining composure. 

She takes a deep breath before exiting the restroom and walking back to the ballroom where Paul stops her and asks for a dance. 

"I still can't believe this is your party. I didn't even know you were in London."  He says. 

"It all happened very fast."  She wants to change the subject. "So, did you open a practice?" 

"My godfathers practice actually.  I still do some consulting in Boston, but I'm primarily here now."

Henry is still cursing himself for caving the way he did on the dancefloor with his wife.  "Things got awfully hot and heavy out there, Chap.  You're not falling for your wife, are you?  I mean, it would be just awful to be forced to live with that absolutely gorgeous, angelic woman as husband and wife."  Alexander says with sarcasm.

"Not now, Alexander."  Henry swirls his drink, then looks back out on the dance floor where his wife is dancing with Paul.  He wonders if anything ever happened between the two of them while Paul was across the pond.  A ping of jealousy hits him again and it only angers him. 

He needs to move things along

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He needs to move things along.  Make sure the threat against his wife is neutralized, then get her to move far away.  He has no intention of being tied down by the beautiful woman.  The thought of being with one woman the rest of his life sickens him.  Now more than ever, God forbid he actually wants that life.  He can't let that happen, not again.  He's already proven he can't be faithful, so he will actually be doing Blake a favor.

"Oh shit, what's she doing here?"  Alexander frowns. 

He turns to see Juliette walk in with Edward Stevens.  He turns back around.  "Steven's plus one, I guess."  Henry shrugs it off, and turns back around to watch Blake. 

He fights an internal battle as he watches her dance with Mateo now.  His father looks at Blake with adoration, and he feels like shit for not at least trying.  Mateo has been nothing but good to him, the picture perfect father, and Henry always fighting him tooth and nail.

"Congratulations, Henry."  He hears a familiar voice behind him. 

He turns to see sweet Juliette standing behind him.  Alexander excuses himself, and he's left alone with the girl he once hurt. 

"Thanks."  Is all he says.

"She's stunning, a physician and royalty?  She's the whole package."  She smiles in Blake's direction.  "She's everything I'm not."  She starts to frown.

"I'm sorry, Juliette.  The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt you."  He meant it.

"It's okay, we've both moved on, and it seems to me you're a lucky man.  Everyone here says she's amazing." 

He looks back at Blake and she's dancing with Alexander.  She throws her head back and laughs.  "She is."  He catches himself saying. 

"You can't take your eyes off her can you?"  He turns back around.  "Sorry."  He says.

"No, it's okay.  She's beautiful, even I see that Henry.  Just do me a favor and don't hurt that girl.  Nobody deserves what I got, and I know it's in you.  I know you are capable of love and faithfulness, even if you doubt yourself."  She can read minds now too?

Blake's Twisted Fate (A Completed Steamy, Romance)Where stories live. Discover now