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Blake wakes in the loving arms of her husband.  She watches him as he sleeps and appreciates his peaceful expression.  She had hoped for so long that he would come around, and now that he has, she's overjoyed. 

She had been to the doctor last week to confirm the pregnancy and had done a test at home, so she's been dealing with the emotions alone.  She knew she had to tell him, but the thought scared her more than anything.

She now understands why people make such a huge deal out of sex.  Last night was much more than she ever thought possible, and she's finally happy. 

He's the most handsome man she's ever seen, and she also knows many women think the same.  She knows he's going to be around other women, and she is scared about his ability to stay faithful. 

She rolls out of bed and goes to the bathroom and steps into the shower, hoping not to wake him.  She's hungry, and hasn't eaten since lunch yesterday.  She steps out if the shower and wraps a towel around her, then walks back into the bedroom and sees Henry staring at his phone.  He looks up and smiles at her, taking a glance up and down her body, then looking at her face.

Something is different with him today.  Is he glowing? 

He sets down his phone.  "How are my two favorite people this morning?  I hope I wasn't too rough last night."  She walks over and sits next to him.  "We're good, just hungry."  She pecks his lips, but he puts his hand on her head and kisses her more deeply.

He leans back.  "Are you okay?" 

She giggles.  "I've never been better." 

He smiles.  "When can we tell my parents?"  He asks.

"A few more weeks.  Let me get closer to my second trimester first."  She suggests.

He nods.  "You don't think they'll notice you not drinking?"

"I'll just hold the glass and play it off."  She winks at him.

Henry took his shower, and they went down and met everyone for breakfast.  Justine is such a talkative girl, and she's also intriguing, so people were listening to her story while Henry had his hand on his wife's lap.  As they laughed and enjoyed the conversation, Henry's hand moved up her leg and she tried pushing it away, but he just lightly chuckled.

Kathleen was smiling ear to ear, telling everyone how thrilled she is to have reconnected with her oldest grandchild. 

When breakfast was over, Justine and Alexander joined Henry and Blake, and they explored Paris.  Justine was in heaven since this is home to high fashion.

Alexander leans in and whispers to Henry.  "I don't have to ask how last night was, seems you really gave it to her."  He chuckled.  "Does this mean you're a happily married man?  I heard you guys last night,  plus I thought only women glowed." 

The girls are walking ahead of them.  "I'm a happy man that's about to become a father, but be quiet about it.  She doesn't want anyone to know yet."  Alexander's jaw dropped.  "That night in Boston?"  He asked, and Henry nodded.  "She's seven weeks pregnant."

"Holy...wow, I mean congratulations.  I'm surprised you're happy, but then again, if I knocked a woman like that up I'd be happy too."  He laughed.

"Her sister is gorgeous too.  Think I should go for it?"  Alexander confesses.

Henry laughed.  "If she's anything like Blake, then, hell yes.  I'm in love with her, Alexander."

"What?  No way."  He's shocked.

"I am, and it's fucking amazing.  I've never had a night like last night.  I think I had a multiple."  They both laugh.

"Seriously though, if Justine is as great as she seems, then don't let her go.  Love and marriage is the best thing that's ever happened to me."  Henry gives his advice.

"I don't know, there's something about her, Chap.  I'm nervous when I'm around her, and when I took her hand to help her out of the car it...I don't know."  Alexander thought.

"Felt like electric run through you?"  Henry asked.

"Yes, exactly."  Alexander answers.

"There's your fate then, that's what happened to me on our wedding day when I held her hand.  Scared the living hell out of me."  Henry answers.

"I can't believe you're having a kid.  What's it like?  Knowing she's carrying your baby?"  Alexander asks.

"It's strange really.  I mean there's a part of me living inside her, and she glows.  It's like I love her even more, now.  Sorta like she's giving me the best gift a man could get, I don't know, it's hard to explain." 

Alexander thinks about what Henry is saying.  Henry is one lucky man.  The first time Alexander saw Blake, he thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world.  Justine is drop dead gorgeous, but Blake is exquisite.

The men trail behind as the girls pop in and out of shops.  The men notice themselves carrying shopping bags as the girls seem to be buying up all of Paris. 

Finally, they came across a pub, and the girls suggested the guys have a few beers while they finish shopping.  The men were more than happy to oblige.

"So?  You had a big night last night."  Justine winks at her sister.

"It was an amazing night."  She answers as she browses in an intimate apparel store.

She sees a white teddy with stockings and all.  "You should definitely get that."  Justine nods in approval. 

"No, I won't be able to wear it long anyway.

Justine looked puzzled.  "You can't tell anyone, and stay calm okay?"  She asks her sister.

"Blake, are you pregnant?" 

"Shhh, yes, but I don't want anyone to know yet."

"Oh my god!"  Justine squeals and pulls Blake into a hug.  "You're going to be the best mom ever, and your kids are going to be gorgeous!  How far along are you, are you sick?" 

"I'm seven weeks, eight weeks tomorrow, and no I'm not sick.  Just tired a lot."  She answers.

"Is Henry okay with it, I mean, I know how he is by what you've told me."  Justine was made aware of their situation when Blake was visiting Boston.

"He's happy.  Says he wants this baby and that he loves us."  Blake grins.

"I'm so happy for you!  Do his parents know?" 

"No, I want to wait a few more weeks.  I'm still in my first trimester."  Justine nods in understanding.

"  Justine nods in understanding

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