Damsel In Distress

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"I really appreciate what you did for my daughter-in-law. We truly are indebted to you. What did you say your name is?" Mateo asked the hero from last night.

"My name is Jake Larkin. I believe you know my mother, Isabella?" The man asks, and Mateo looks like he saw a ghost.

"Mateo, what's wrong?" Gina asks.

"Gina, could you grab me a coffee?" He asks his wife.

"No, who is this Isabella?" Mateo gives her a guilty look.

"He's Blake's half brother."

"Half brother? How is that, Mateo?" Gina looks at her husband with her arms crossed.

Mateo takes a deep breath. "Bella was Maxwell's girlfriend before he met Waverly. She became pregnant, but they had broken up and she married an American named Robert Larkin. Waverly knew about Jake, but kept his secret. Hell, she knew about Bella's pregnancy on their first date. Bella begged Maxwell to let Robert raise him as his own. It wasn't an easy decision, but they were moving to the States."

Gina is shocked.

"So how did you happen to be there last night?" Mateo asked.

"I'm an Agent with the CIA, and I learned about Blake about ten years ago. I started looking for her a few years ago and I got a tip that she took the DNA test, then heard she was in London. I wanted to meet her, but I got a tip that there was a hit placed on Blake. I've been watching her for a few weeks now. I have a few other agents helping me, and we were just switching shifts. That's when I saw the men assaulting her and..well you know the rest of the story." He answered.

"Why didn't you approach her and introduce yourself? Mateo asked.

"It was against orders. I was to protect from a distance, and believe me, it was damn hard." Jake answered.

"Well, I'm for one very grateful you were there, Jake. Thanks for saving our girl. How are your mother and Robert?" Mateo asked

"They're both doing great. Mom's a school teacher, and I'm sure you're aware Dad's an attorney, but currently he's a judge."

"That's just great. Robert was always a good man, and your mother was always a wonderful lady." Mateo compliments.

"Thanks, they're pretty great."

"So about this hit? Who placed it?" Mateo asked.

"We are not sure yet, but MI6 has been very helpful. I'm sure we will know soon enough. Until then, we do need to know she's being protected. We can have an Agent with her at all times, but it would be wise to protect everyone else too."

Mateo and Gina go back into the room with Blake, and Mateo makes it well known how pissed he is at Henry.

"Don't blame Henry. It wasn't his fault, and I encouraged him to drink. It's not his fault." Blake pleads for Mateo to forgive Henry.

"Well, I just came from waking him, and he just found out. He passed out last night and had no clue what happened. I told him not to come. I know you say it's not his fault, but he failed to protect you, and there's no excuse. He was sober when he dismissed your security team last night."

"Where's my wife?" Blake can hear Henry's voice.

"Mateo, let's give them some time alone," Gina suggests.

"We will be right outside if you need us," Mateo assures Blake.

"You both must be exhausted. You should go home and get some sleep. Henry will make sure I get home okay." Blake really just wants some peace, and she doesn't even know about Jake, the woman on his lap, or the fact that she was targeted.

She sees Henry enter, and he looks horrible. Bloodshot eyes, hair a complete mess, and wrinkled clothes. She's never seen him in such a state.

"Henry, I'm fine." She says, before he even made it to her bedside. "Blake? Dammit! I'm so sorry." He takes her hand and kisses it while tears stream down his face. "I failed you, and I'm a horrible husband."

She smiled at him. "Stop, it's not your fault and I'm fine. I have a guardian angel out there somewhere." She scooted over and patted the bed next to her, so he crawled in next to her and she laid her head on his chest.

"I'm going to make sure to find out who that other man is and make sure he pays for this, because nobody touches my wife." He kissed her head.

"Are you in any pain?"

"No, my neck is my only injury, and it's pretty superficial. It's tiny, and I only needed three stitches. The baby is good, and when the doctor comes back, we are going to hear the heartbeat again. It's such a beautiful sound, Henry. It's strong and perfect." He kisses her head once again.

"I can't wait, but we have something to talk about."

" Ugh, what now?"

"Last night you know I was wasted, right?" She nodded. " A girl I knew once sat on my lap apparently, and according to Alexander and Justine, I told her to get off me, but she didn't, so your sister literally threw her off my lap and on to the ground." He finishes and Blake laughed. "My sister has a short fuse sometimes."

"That's not it, the media got ahold of it, and the story is about how you fought for your life while I was with another woman."

She made a disappointed nod. "Great, it's always something isn't it, Henry? Maybe I should make a statement."

"No, I'll contact our PR people, but they're probably already working on it."

"Blake!" Justine walked in and wrapped her arms around her sister.

Blake reassured her that she was fine, and Justine went on about throwing the woman on the floor, and referred to Henry as a "damsel in distress.".

Alexander apologized for failing to protect her and getting Henry too many drinks, although Henry tried to get him to stop buying them.

The doctor knocked, so Justine and Alexander went to excuse themselves, but Blake insisted they stay.

Blake watched Henry's face as he listened to their child's heartbeat, and it was priceless.

He loved the beautiful sound and his eyes softened. With a tear in his eye, he kissed her. "You're amazing, Blake." He said, just before he kissed her again and they smiled at each other.

Justine and Alexander were both touched by what the just witnessed, and he reached over and held her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Justine blushes and looked up at him, and he smiled.

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