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You're going through some hard times, I know.
You think you can go through it alone, but I can tell you can't.
You don't have to go through those sort of things alone.
You have a friend right here that will help you no matter what!
/ You already have the strength to fight those hard times.
You already have the courage so you're not afraid to fight.
I know you, you're strong, and brave.
So, here's what I say to you:
Don't you ever give up on yourself, OK? /
You told me one time, that you feel like disappearing.
You know what I felt like when you told me that?
I felt heartbroken, because one of MY friends wants to do something like that.
You don't have any reason to disappear, I know that for a fact!
I told you once, I'll tell you again:
/ chorus /
Do you know what me and our other friend would do if you disappeared?
We'd be doing some stupid crap is all I have to say.
You say you're not really loved?
Yeah right, I am your friend, so I love you ALOT!
I care about you too much to let you get hurt.
I want you to be happy, not sad.
You're special, remember that.
And remember this:
/ chorus /
Girl, you should know by now that I don't ever want to lose you, right?
Cause I don't.

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