a fresh start

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millie bobby brown

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millie bobby brown

"isn't it just so wonderful?" she exclaimed, marveled at the sight that she could be in such majesty of it all.


in words of others being outrageously bold, she longed for the beautiful things in life. her hair just passed her shoulders, a golden brown matching her eyes. she was sixteen, well quite infact, turning seventeen as we open up the story. it was as if the spirit of a young girl had lived upon her. don't get her wrong, she still had an undeniable fiery temper.

 don't get her wrong, she still had an undeniable fiery temper

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finn wolfhard

he couldn't look away from her beauty as, "what the fuck are you doing?" came out with a rude scoff.


with his uh, interesting way of showing his emotions, he sometimes cares a little too much. yeah, overwhelming as hell. he's the type of guy to rock out with his small band at night and still ace the test tomorrow morning. as soon as he got out of school, he already had everything set in a music career. so why did the eighteen year old decide to deal with painting class? i honestly have no clue but it sounds idiotic.

 so why did the eighteen year old decide to deal with painting class? i honestly have no clue but it sounds idiotic

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