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she adjusted his long blue hoodie on her body, nothing looking more appealing, she shrugged and applied some of his peppermint chapstick.

"you ready?"

groaning, she walked slowly downstairs, "you look beautiful," finn scrunched his nose and smiled.

"dork," millie rolled her eyes and strolled out of the front door he held open.

it was a rainy and gloomy day in hawkins, meaning walking to school was a no go.

he pulled into the lot while she stared out the window in disgust.

"what, you don't like the rain?" finn teased.

"of course i do- you know sometimes i like counting the drops on the window," millie spaced out.

her mind consisted of how much she dreaded her day back, shivers travelled down her spine.

she was interrupted by finn swinging the passenger door open, making her almost fall out.

"jesus!" she loudly remarked, grabbing her bag and hopping out just missing a puddle.

both made their way into school together, people exchanged stares at millie yet they were quickly dismissed by finn.

walking to first class, she waved him goodbye and took a seat alone noticing sadie was absent.

after the first ten minutes of whispers and looks, her class carried on as normal, boring.

she hoped noah would be back, but he was still out with modeling business.

it came for a good topic to space out on for the rest of class, planning out her dream life.


"asshole!" finn loudly approached the familiar head of light brown curls, gaten, whom he hadn't seen in what felt like ages.

"h-hellooo!" gaten replied a little startled, and continued walking.

"what the hell happened to you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2018 ⏰

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