little love promise

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"little love promise"

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"i don't know just- she hasn't been doing anything," finn paced around quietly in his small upstairs hallway.

"man sadie too, she hasn't hung out with me lately," caleb groaned on the other end of the phone.

"her parents fucking died imbecile, your girl being shady is the least of my worries. and i mean nothing," he spat back in a whisper, peering in his bedroom to make sure he didn't wake millie.

"hey speaking of worries, you've missed all of last week and now monday too. you need to come back to school man, college! she'll be finee," he reassured.

"she told me to go multiple times caleb but i know she doesn't mean it like that," finn sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"whatever, do what's right then," caleb slammed his school locker, readjusting the phone to his ear.

"fuck you, what i'm doing is the r-"

"shit there's sadie, gotta go-" caleb hung up the phone.

"dick," finn mumbled and sat on the edge of his bed.

his eyes took in how her lightly curled hair messily swept over her face, her figure curled up under his sheets.

"go to school," she peeped with a horse voice, finn sighed loudly that she was indeed awake.

"you need some rest," he reminded her, her eyelashes flickered and she moved hair away from her bloodstained eyes.

"you don't need to be here for me to rest," she whispered, failing at her aggressive tone.

he didn't say anything and got up leaving the room, creaking the old floorboards as he travelled downstairs.

millie coughed and slowly lifted her hand to feel a burning forehead.

it hurt to keep her eyes open, unaware of time like a numb vision.

"finn?" she quietly asked into the open space to check if he left, getting no response, she asked eight more times.

with a shaky breath in, she moved herself into an upright sitting position, her feet touching the cold carpeted floor.

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