vanilla milkshake

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"vanilla milkshake"

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finn ruffled his dark curls, they looked messy but seemingly in place which was how they normally were.

it was tuesday night, having texted millie the details beforehand, he would pick her up at seven for the agreed date.

"where are do you think you're going?" his dad asked with attitude, he was sitting lazily with a beer on the couch.

he'd gotten more into the television and slumming around lately, finn's mom wasn't having it.

finn ignored his dad, grabbed his car keys off the hook and slammed the door.

millie finalized her look;

a simple knee length cream dress, paired with a pearl necklace and a cute more formal pair of sneakers, her hair was in a lightly curled half up half down

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a simple knee length cream dress, paired with a pearl necklace and a cute more formal pair of sneakers, her hair was in a lightly curled half up half down.

it rested just on her shoulders, ever since it was cut, she'd been trying to grow it out.

sadie was out with lilia tonight, so to hype herself up, she jammed to music in sadie's room as ava yelled "turn it down you donkey!"

a knock hit the door, she unplugged her phone and went downstairs quickly to open it.

"bye!" she politely waved to sadie's mom and went outside before she could even glance at him.

"you're beautiful," finn grinned, millie slowed herself down.

"hm, you don't look too bad yourself," she laughed, and followed behind into his car.

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