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finn and millie stood at the curb for a while in each other's arms, wind brushing against their skin.

he exhaled deeply, and backed out from the hug into the cold air, no stars in the night sky.

"want me to call an uber?" millie managed to squeak out.

he felt almost bad for her, she must of been confused, but he couldn't figure out why he didn't feel better.

"i have to go," finn replied, turning back around.

"w-want me to come with you?" she peeped, walking behind him.

"i don't need- i can d-do it by myself," he replied irritated, trying to brush her off.

"whatever happened i'm sorry." she sounded apathetic, and she was.

it was silent as they kept walking, finn tried to ignore what was around him.

millie's mind spun in circles from a boy she had no clue would have the power to do.

"i mean at least you're not having the worst night, sadie got outed to her parents," she spilled, her constant talking was how she tried patching things over.

"that was rough... oh i probably shouldn't have said that," she sighed nervously.

he took a deep breath in, tapping his fingers against his leg.

"maybe we can check out my favorite diner?" she asked, it always made her feel a little better when she was sad.

he spun around with swollen eyes, failing his best attempt to keep it in.

"my brother is fucking dead okay?! close your shitty little mouth about who's having a worse night, stop making everything between us a competition!" he screamed.

she jumped back at the raise in his voice.

"i don't need your sympathy, i've always been perfectly fine alone! what makes you think you can come in and change that?" he continued to yell at her.

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