His fault.

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Adrien turned his head, sneaking a peek at Marinette in the middle of class. She was always so beautiful when she was focused. Adrien had always liked Marinette. She had really misunderstood the situation he was put into. He shook his head at the very thought.

'Leaving Mari? For Chloe? Please. Only an idiot would do something as stupid as that.'

Marinette looked around the room and Adrien quickly looked away. She turned back and he turned towards her again.

Ever since she had left him, he felt as if he was alone. He always had that spark with Marinette. Marinette was the first girl that had ever had an effect on him. He wanted her to be the last.

Gabriel Agreste, Adrien's father, was forcing him to have an intimate relationship with Chloe for the public. He couldn't stress it enough how much he would rather throw away his entire reputations just for Marinette.

Adrien strongly disliked his father AND Chloe. They were both so annoying and aggravating. Marinette was flawless, carefree, beautiful. She was happy.

Adrien turned to the front of the class, starting to pay attention when suddenly, the bell rang indicating dismissal. As soon as Adrien walked out of class, Chloe latched onto him.

"Get off of me, you leech" he mumbled.

"What was that, babe?" She asked. He looked down to Chloe and sent her a fake smile.

"Oh, nothing." He said. Chloe started talking and whining about her useless problems as Adrien's mind wandered off to Marinette, who was standing at the bottom of the stairs outside of the school.

Adrien's smiled lightly as he watched Marinette laugh at something Alya had said. Alya put her arm around Marinette and they walked away, to which Adrien's mind came back to reality, while Chloe had caught the smile.

"Adrikins! Why are you smiling? My nails are a crisis! Not a joke!" She said. Adrien turned to Chloe.

"I have to go." He said, yanking his arm away from Chloe.

"Wha-! Where are you going? Adrikins!" Chloe whined as Adrien ran off.


Chat Noir followed Marinette as she waved goodbye to her best friend. She walked into her warm and toasty bakery. He watched as she hugged her mother and father and headed upstairs to her room.

Chat Noir sat down on the edge of the roof he was on and watched Marinette. He knew he wasn't supposed to do so. It was creepy. But, he couldn't resist her.

He wanted to hold her again, to have an excuse for smiling or staring at her. He wanted his first kiss and more with just her. Not Chloe, or any other. Just Marinette. But he didn't have any of that without her. He felt empty. He felt incomplete. He had no courage to talk to her as Adrien. He wanted to. Badly.

She only talked to Chat while fighting villians, but barely. It was rare for Ladybug to say a whole sentence like she used to, to Chat.

Chat picked up a pebble, ready to get her attention and throw it at her window but stopped as his miraculous beeped. How long had he been sitting here? He looked around to see the atmosphere darkening. It was getting late.

Chat stood up and quickly blew a kiss to his Princess, who was still in her room, doing homework. He quickly fled off.

Little did he know,

The girl had known he had been sitting there for the past 2 hours, watching her with a frown.

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