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"Adrien did what?"

Marinette snickered at Alya's words as she sat at the lunch table in their school cafeteria. Marinette has caught Alya up on all the details about her and Adrien.

"So he literally just went for it? Adrien Agreste?" Alya asked in disbelief. Marinette nodded, taking a bite of the carrot in her hand. Alya chuckled.

"What a plot twist. I love it." Alya smiled. Marinette rolled her eyes.

"So what are you guys?" Alya asked. Marinette tilted her head, confused.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked. Alya sighed.

"I mean, are you guys boyfriend and girlfriend? or are you just..I don't know, going with what goes?" Alya asked. Marinette hummed.

"We aren't official. But I guess in a way we're in the dating stage. I plan to ask him to the dinner or something soon. We haven't really had time to sit down and talk for a while." Marinette said. Alya nodded. She smiled and squealed. Marinette laughed.

"Okay, okay. I get it, you're excited." Marinette said. Alya cheered.

"Are you kidding? You haven't been this happy since..ever!" Alya smiled. Marinette sighed, a light smile playing on her lips.

"Hey ladies."

Marinette and Alya heard Adrien's familiar voice behind them. The two turned around and waved at Adrien, and Nino, who stood beside him. Nino took a seat next to Alya, while Adrien took a seat next to Marinette.

Marinette looked at Adrien and smiled at him before looking back at Alya, changing the topic to something else. Adrien's eyes remained on Marinette, and she did not take long to notice. She looked over at him again, chuckling a little this time.

"You really like staring, don't you?" She asked. Adrien chuckled.

"Sorry. You're just really gorgeous. I'm having a hard time believing you're real." He said. Marinette nodded, laughing again. Adrien took her hand in his and slowly moved his thumb along her knuckles.

"Can I come by your place, later today?" Adrien asked. Marinette hummed.

"I'll have to check in with my mom and dad, but that'd be nice. I'll text you." Marinette said, she took Alya's hand and stood up. Adrien clutched Marinette's hand.

"Where are you going?" He asked. Marinette smiled.

"We have to turn in something a little bit earlier for feedback for Mrs. Bustier." Marinette said. Adrien pouted, to which Marinette let out a soft chuckle. He let go of her hand and watched as she walked towards the cafeteria door. As she trailed behind Alya, Marinette paused and turned back to look at Adrien. He smiled at her and waved back at her before she smiled to herself and walked out of the cafeteria door, disappearing from his sight.

geez i rlly need to fix my schedule for updating 💀

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