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Adrien and Marinette continued eating their seperate containers of popcorn as the movie theu had chose continued playing. Marinette was completely fascinated by the movie as Adrien liked it, but wasn't so deep into it. He got a little tired staring at the movie screen for so long so he turned to Marinette.

There she was, smiling at the screen. Her eyes lit up at it and her smile seemed brighter. Adrien admired her from afar for a while before Marinette turned to him.

"You okay?" She quietly asked. Adrien sighed. Her grabbed Marinette's hand, enfolding their hands together. He looked at her as she looked down at their hands and then back up in confusion.

"I don't think you understand how much I like you." He whispered. Marinette nervously sipped her drink. Adrien smiled.

"I completely adore you, Marinette. You're so kind hearted, and cheery. You make me smile and laugh and you make my heart feel some type of way, I can't explain it. But you're something else, and I don't want this to be over. Not now, not anytime soon. Maybe even, ever. I like you. I like only, you." Adrien said. Marinette let out a breath.

"So what are you trying to say?" She asked him. Adrien took in a deep breath.

"I want you to be mine. Whatever you go through, I go through. I don't want you with anyone but me and I want you and I. That's it. I've dreamed for you and now that I've finally got you back, I don't want to lose you again." Adrien said. Marinette blushed intensely.

"I-i don't know what to say." Marinette said. She looked around, whispering.

"Let's talk about this after the movie, okay?" Marinette asked. Adrien nodded and the two turned back towards the screen with their hands still enfolded, and a smile on both of their faces.

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