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"Marinette, stop daydreaming!"

Marinette shook her head, looking around the classroom, her eyes locking with Mrs. Mendelieve. She apologetically shook her hands.

"I'm sorry." She said. Mrs. Mendelieve grunted before turning her attention back to the class, resuming the lesson. Marinette sighed softly, wiping her hand down her face.

"Mari?" She looked up and to her right as she heard a familiar, yet quiet voice whisper. Nathaniel smiled at her, his eyebrows raised with a glint of confusion. "You okay?" He asked. Marinette smiled at him politely.

"Yeah. Yeah, sorry. I'm fine, just a bit distracted lately." She said. Nathaniel nodded. "Not to be nosey, but what are you distracted by?" He asked. Marinette turned her gaze forward.

"It's nothing. Just...homework has been piling up lately and it's stressing me out." She lied. Nathaniel smiled, agreeing with a nod.

"Understandable. We're almost seniors. Weird, right? How fast the school year went." Nathaniel said. Marinette hummed.

"I know. I didn't believe the older kids that always said high school passes fast but it really does. Feels like we were just walking into the school just a few months ago. In reality, it's been 2 years." Marinette said. Nathaniel smiled nostalgically.

"Alright, I'll pass out the home work for tonight. I want it in by tomorrow, so be sure to have the front and back completely. Make sure you show your work and prove your thesis' through the text in your home-sent textbooks. Got it?" Mrs. Mendelieve said, holding a pile of the homework and passing it out to students in the classroom. All the students, including Marinette, quietly put their homework into their folders and binders, putting their stuff into their bags before the bell for their dismissal finally rang.

After making her way out of the school building, Marinette silently walked home after waving bye to Alya, who walked away with Nino. She sighed, clutching onto her backpack strings by her shoulder tightly. She quickly reached her home and did her tiny amount of homework she had, then lied down in bed, staring at the ceiling silently.

"Why do I feel so unproductive today?" She asked herself. Marinette always had something to do. Either cook, or bake, maybe do some homework, or text a friend. But today, she wasn't needed in the kitchen, she had finished her homework, and her friends were currently busy with their own things and she didn't want to bother them. Marinette never really texted with Adrien. Usually it was calls. Most of the time, they always talked enough in person. Her phone pinged and she sat up quickly, rushing to find something to do.

Adrien :)
U busy?

not at all, whats up?

Adrien :)
I missed u 2day.

u saw me 2 days ago

Adrien :)
Still too long

Marinette smiled to herself, clutching her phone tighter as she shifted into her covers, holding her phone above her phone.

ur cheesy

Adrien :)
U love it

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