Blind date.

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Marinette exhaled as she sat at her desk during her last class, her left hand playing with the ring on her right ring finger. She had made plans after school. Apparently.

Alya had told her she had set up a blind date for her right after school. She didn't have a problem with it, she just hoped it wasn't someone she knew well. I'd be weird for Marinette if she went on a date with someone she knew too well, what's the point of a date if you know a lot about the person?

If it was an acquaintance, she was fine with it.

The bell rang, indicating dismissal and Marinette quickly stood up, Alya laughed.

"Girl, calm down! You'll be fine. He's a nice guy." Alya said to her.

"Alya! Come on!" The two heard Nino yelling behind Alya. Alya laughed and gave Marinette a hug.

"Have fun, Mari. Let's hope luck is on your side today." Alya winked at her as she walked out of the room with Nino. Marinette sighed.

"When has luck ever been on my side?" Marinette mumbled under her breath. The bluenette walked out of the classroom and towards the door but accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hit you, I wasn't watching where I was go-" She stopped as she realized who she bumped into.

"You're still as clumsy as always, huh?" Adrien asked her, rubbing his hand on her head, ruining her hair.

"Never mind, I take my apology back!" Marinette huffed, removing his hand from her head and patting her hair down.

"I have somewhere to be, Agreste." Marinette said. Adrien grabbed her waist, pulling her in.

"Nope. Not right now you don't." He whispered into her ear. Marinette felt a shiver through her spine and she took a deep breath.

"Adrien, I have somewhere to be in..." Marinette raised her phone, checking the time.

"6 minutes!" She yelped in surprise. Marinette jumped back, and started walking away fast.

"Wait!" Adrien ran towards her once again.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Alya set up some blind date for me in the park. I'm going to that." Marinette told him. Adrien gave her a small smile.

"Aww, don't be jealous, Agreste." Marinette said. Adrien chuckled.

"Have fun, Marinette. But not too much fun." Adrien gave her a wink and a smile. Marinette laughed and gave Adrien a thumbs up, quickly turned around, and ran out of the school.


"Hey." Marinette turned around as she heard a voice behind her.

"Nathaniel. Hey." She spoke, looking at the red head. Nathaniel gave her a sheepish smile.

"I guess you're my date?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck. Marinette nodded.

"I guess so." Marinette confirmed. Nathaniel held out his arm and she took it, smiling.


"Adrien, man. why are you doing this?" Nino asked his best friend as the two sat on the ground in the park, watch Marinette and Nathaniel laugh as they sat on a small bench, eating ice cream.

"Because, Marinette's mine!" Adrien whined.

"This is weird, man." Nino and Adrien watched as Marinette stood up and hugged Nathaniel.

"Wow. A hug. So bad." Nino sarcastically, turning to Adrien.

"Shh!" Adrien shushed him. The blonde leaned closer to the bush, listening.

"I had fun, Mari. We should do this again sometime." Nathaniel said.

"The hanging out part, sure. The part where it's a date. I cant'." Marinette said.

"Alright, can I ask why?" Nathaniel asked.

"It just doesn't feel like my time right now." She sighed. Nathaniel nodded.

"I get it. Thanks for doing this, Marinette." He caressed her face and leaned in, kissing her forehead.

"See you around." He said, walking off. Marinette sighed, placing her hand on her head.

"Im gonna kill Alya." Marinette mumbled, before laughing to herself and walking off and away into the distance.

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