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"Yes Alya, I get it. Okay!"

Adrien turned his gaze to Marinette as she walked beside him, on a phone called with Alya.

"Okay Alya! I'll see you then, bye!" Marinette spoke before ending the phone call, letting out a sigh and putting her phone in her satchel.

"What was she saying? If you don't mind me asking, of course." Adrien asked. Marinette looked at Adrien and clicked her tongue.

"She invited me to a festival, one of the opening acts on the stage there is one of her favorite bands and she wants me to come along." Marinette said. Adrien nodded, looking forward as the two continued walking to Marinette's.

"Here we are." Marinette spoke, pointing to her home. Adrien opened the door for her and she nodded politely before walking in. He followed and was quickly greeted by the smell of cookies and pastries.

"Maman! Papa! I'm home!" She called out before walking up the stairs in her home. Adrien followed her silently and the two walked into her room.

"This is a lot of pink, Mari." Adrien said. Marinette laughed.

"It's been my room since childhood. I haven't had the heart to change it since. Plus, it's not that bad." Marinette replied, placing her bag down on her small table before sitting on her bed. Adrien nodded.

"I guess you're right." He said. Adrien places his bag next to Marinette's and sat down right beside her.

"So why'd you want to come over?" She asked him. Adrien smiled. He clutched her hand and held it quietly before looking up at Marinette.

"I just wanted to spend time with you." Adrien spoke. Marinette nodded.

"I guess so. We haven't gotten much alone time." She said. Adrien smirked, leaning in close.

"Is that such a bad thing? We're only teenagers, Mari." Adrien said. Marinette felt a blush spread on her cheeks.

"A-adrien! You play too much sometimes!" She said. Adrien chuckled.

"Oh come on now, M'lady. Don't be a party pooper and ruin the mood." He said. Marinette snickered. She let go of his hand and placed her hands on his cheeks.

"You're adorable." She boldly said. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, surprising Adrien completely. He smiled at her.

"How slow are we going to take this? I want to call you mine." Adrien said. Marinette sighed.

"I don't know. I just want to make sure we have a good relationship this time around. I don't want to go through all of that again." Marinette sadly smiled at him. He pouted.

"It's okay! I understand. I'd wait years for you, Marinette. And I want you to know that I'm here for good. You can trust me, and if my words aren't enough, I can show you through my actions as the days go by. I want only you." Adrien reassured Marinette. She nodded.

"Alright. I'll think about it. Thank you. I really do appreciate you waiting, Adrien. I trust you, it's just my mindset right now. I want to make sure i'm ready." Marinette sighed. Adrien nodded.

"I get it." He smiled at her.

Marinette was hopeful. She knew it would work out, she just had to be sure.

i watched my hero academia while writing this and i'm surprised i got it down in one go 💀 but GUYSSSS

if you're actually down to start like a mlb groupchat or be friends in general, you can follow me on Instagram and dm me! My Instagram is unzela._ i don't really mind a face reveal, I've got nothing to hide either. Hit me up and dont be afraid to reach out :) I accept all miraculous account and I cant wait to speak to some of yall. I'd love to be friends with you guys :)

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