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Alya called out Marinette's name, startling the girl sitting next to her on the brown couch in her house.

"What?" She asked. Alya smiled, pausing the movie they were watching and turning towards Marinette.

"You know what. What's going on with you and Adrien? Give me the deets!" Alya said. Marinette rolled her eyes.

"Literally nothing. We dated, and then it ended. That's it." Marinette shrugged. Alya's shoulders dropped.

"Shut up, you can't be that in love and then break up." Alya scoffed. Marinette's mouth fell open. She turned towards Alya.

"We weren't in love! We never got to that point! We hadn't even kissed." Marinette defended. Alya grinned.

"Why so defensive? Are you hiding something?" Alya leaned in. Marinette pushed her face away.

"Not at all. You're being nosy." Marinette rolled her eyes. Alya laughed.

"Yeah right! If anything, you're not being honest enough! I'm your best friend. It's not like i'm gonna tell anyone bu-"

"But Nino. You won't tell anyone but Nino." Marinette finished her sentence. Alya nodded furiously and placed her hand on her heart.

"Fine." Marinette said. Alya clapped excitedly.

"Yay! Details!" Alya cheered. Marinette chuckled.

"I feel like I like him, but I don't wanna put myself through that again. You know?" Marinette said. Alya nodded. "He's a really nice dude, and I totally misunderstood the situation we were put into but I was so rude Alya. I don't understand how he can still even want to be friends with me. It's horrible." Marinette said. Alya nodded again.

"Totally, I get it. But Marinette, even if you don't know about him, he feels for you. There's absolutely no doubt." Alya smiled at Marinette. Marinette sighed.

"Okay, I guess you're right about that. But if we didn't work the first time around, who or what is to say we aren't gonna break apart again?" Marinette asked. Alya placed her hand on Marinette's shoulder.

"If couples don't argue or take a break once in a while, they're not meant to be. You have to know and accept each other through thick and thin." Alya replied. Marinette took a second to let the words Alya said linger in her mind before she finally took one last deep breath.

"You're right. But I can't tell him." Marinette shook her head. Alya tilted her head slightly.

"Why's that?" Alya asked. Marinette shrugged.

"It just doesn't feel right to tell him. I've been completely head over heels for him for so long and it's just now hitting me." Marinette said. Alya nodded.

"I respect that. Just don't take too long. You wouldn't want to lose him."

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