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Marinette waited for Adrien as she sat on her bed. She had been ready to go out for about 15 minutes exactly now and was just waiting on Adrien's text.

She smiled. It had been a while since she had gone out with Adrien and if she was being honest, she was excited. Marinette started to daydream before she was pulled back to reality when her phone vibrated. She raised her phone and turned it on, seeing a text from Adrien.

Adrien :)
hey, i'm here.

Marinette smiled again as she grabbed her purse and hooked it over her shoulder before walking out of her house. She spotted Adrien standing in front of the silver car he always had and walked towards him.

"Hello there." Adrien said, looking at Marinette. She laughed, opening the car door for herself.

"Eager to get going, are we?" Adrien asked her, plopping into the seat next to her. She scoffed.

"Depends, Agreste. You wanna miss this movie?" Marinette asked him. Adrien sat back.

"Fair enough." Adrien smirked. Marinette smiled in victory.

With that, Adrien and Marinette quietly sat as Adrien's driver drove them to the movies nearby. Marinette and Adrien got out of the car when they arrived and Adrien thanked his driver like he always had before the two walked into the theater.

Purchasing their tickets, they decided to watch a romcom. With Adrien's constant comedy in his life and Marinette's need for romance in her life, they thought it was a good idea.

The two sat down in their seat, popcorn in hand and a small drink in each of their hands too. The two exchanged a quick look at each other before turning to the screen as the movie started.

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