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Marinette sighed, walking into the theaters at exactly 2:45. She looked around awkwardly.

She was waiting for Alya, who told her she wanted to watch Aladdin with Marinette and that she would drag her if she didn't get out of bed and get ready.

So Marinette has absolutely no choice but to actually show up. But for the first time ever, Alya was late.

Marinette's phone rang while Marinette checked the time on her watch. She quickly pulled it out, and help her phone up to her ear.

"Hello?" She spoke, answering the call.

"Hey, I can't make it. My mom wants me to stay home, she's not feeling too hot." Alya's voice spoke. Marinette raised her eyebrow as she looked behind the counter.

Alya's mother stood there.

"Alya, your mother is here." Marinette said, her voice soft. Alya was quiet.

"Oh look at that, Nino's calling me. Gotta go Marinette!" Alya said, ending the call abruptly. Marinette groaned quickly, turning her phone off. She felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Marinette?" She turned to Adrien. Marinette smiled at him.

"Hey." She said. He smiled. "Hi."

Beside Adrien, stood Nino.

'Fuck you, Alya.'

"Are you waiting for someone?" He asked Marinette. She shook her head.

"You can watch a movie with us. If you want." Adrien said. Marinette shook her head.

"I'm good. I'm gonna go run some errands. I'll see you soon though." Marinette quickly declined and turned around, ready to walk away from the awkward position she was put in by Alya.

Adrien grabbed her wrist and Marinette paused. She turned. Adrien smiled.

"We insist, Mari." Adrien spoke, his voice gentle. He spoke to her as him he was scared she was gonna shatter in front of him. Marinette sighed.

"Alright." She nodded.

'this is too cliché for me to handle.'


I'm so sorry for being gone for so long 💀 i'm bad at the updating thing. ive been busy with family ✊🏽🥺

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