Lucana- Pillow Talk

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Cana pulls a Natsu and sneaks into Lucy's window bc she wants to cuddle with Lucy's boobs and talk about pretty girls.

For day 4 of #ftlgbtales' event "when we take different paths" femslash week! Prompt: cuddles


Lucy brushed through her long blonde locks, hips swaying along to the pop song playing over the lacrima as she got ready for bed.

Then she heard it. That familiar sound coming from her bedroom window.

A bright red tick mark appeared on her head as she marched over with clenched fist. "NATSU!! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST USE THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON?! I SWEAR-"

Lucy stopped, her fiery rampage coming to an abrupt halt when she saw who was struggling to crawl through her window. It wasn't Natsu.

"Cana? What are you-"

"Lushi~" Cana called, doing a rather good impression of her usual pink haired house invader. "My big booby gurl..." The brunette waved her arm around, wanting her 'big booby girl' to come and help her get inside.

The blonde sighed before going to help the woman get through the window, although she managed to knock over an impressive amount of things on her way in.

Cana stood up fully, brushing off her knees as her host put the knick knacks she'd knocked over back in their place. "Man, Natsu makes that seem so much easier."

"I really hope this isn't a booty call." Lucy said by way of welcome.

"Nah, its a booby call." She proved her statement by face planting into the blonde's chest. "Hmm so nice..."

Lucy looked down suspiciously at her recent unannounced house guest. "You came all the way here just to cuddle with my boobs?"

A grunt was all she got in response.

"Or," Lucy continued. "Is it because something else is bugging you?"

Cana didn't answer but the arms that had been laid around her waist tightened, indicating that the blonde had guessed correctly.

"C'mon, you gotta let go." Squinted violet eyes pouted up at her. "Let's move this cuddle party to the bed." Reluctantly, Cana released her hold and let herself be pulled away.

"I'd rather take another bubble bath with you, but when do I get what I want?" Cana grumbled as she plopped down onto the bed, gathering up the pink comforter and hugging it to herself.

When Lucy sat down as well, the brunette was quick to lay her head down in her host's lap. Lucy played with the chocolate colored curls draped against her thighs, running her fingers through them. "Wanna talk about it?"

"Not really." She pulled the comforter closer, fingers white knuckled against the pastel pink background.

Lucy had expected that answer, still she tried again, nails scratching at Cana's scalp. "Do you not want to talk at all?" She was met with silence and frowned. "Or just not talk to me-"

"No. I'm fine with talking to you." Cana said. "I just don't wanna talk about that."

"Then what do you wanna talk about?"

"I dunno." A half hearted shrug. "What about you? Anything weighing on your sweet little heart?"

Lucy frowned, peering down to try and get a look at Cana's face. "Why do you ask?"

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