Gajevy- a flower for thought

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(This is set somewhere in between post Tenrou and pre GMG)

I got you some domestic Gajevy, some team Natsu shenanigans, and some feelings when Gajeel is dealing with what happened on Tenrou Island. The master recipe for floof.

Thanks for the request Popstar_wannabe it isn't exactly about dragon mates but there is a lot of Gajeel being protective of Levy. Btw Levy kicks ass in this story


"Shoo be doo ba~" Levy hummed to herself as she picked a daisy and smoothed out the stem before nestling it into the pattern of black braids she'd assembled in Gajeel's coarse hair.

Levy was seated in the grass of their new guild hall's farm land, Gajeel's head in her lap, his eyes closed. Her hands stilled in their work of tying off the seventh braid. Had he fallen asleep? She didn't blame him if he did, having someone run their hands along your scalp felt good, like a luxurious massage mixed with an itch relieving back scratcher... if that made sense.

Gajeel cracked an eye open, the harsh angles off his face more pronounced under the spring sun, his piercings shined, his rustic red gaze cutting through the buttery sunshine like pea soup. "Why'd you stop?"

"Oh, um... because..." She trailed off, distractedly brushing a stray blue curl behind her ear, and leaving a trail of pollen in its wake.

Gajeel huffed and licked the pad of his thumb, then used that finger to wipe the gold spores from her cheek. "...because you thought I'd fallen asleep." He finished for her, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.

Levy puffed her cheeks out. It wouldn't be the first time. Gajeel always seemed to pass out after a battle, like a battery that needed recharging. Levy still remembered when he'd conked out on that stone bench after their war with Tartaros.

Currently Lily had his head propped up against the space where Gajeel's shoulder and Levy's knee cap met, dozing peacefully in his small form. She'd thought both cat and owner had taken the opportunity for a nap. Levy looked back at Gajeel's smug face, frowning to herself, looks like I was half right.

Levy went back to her braiding, a task to occupy her hands and eyes so they wouldn't stray back to Gajeel, his amused eyes, that troublemaker smile. "I didn't think you'd let me put flowers in your hair, otherwise." She answered honestly, Gajeel wasn't exactly the flower kinda guy.

"What do I care if you wanna put some weeds in my hair? They'll be down the shower drain tonight anywa-OW!" Gajeel exclaimed when Levy flicked his nose.

"Don't ruin the moment." She chided.

Gajeel stuck his tongue out and used one finger to pull down his eyelid. Levy flipped him off in turn and he chuckled, catching her finger with his. "Gotcha, shrimp." 

"You're supposed to try and catch my nose." Levy leaned forwards, so that she was a shade over him, bright glaring light shining around her form as reached her arm down and poked his nose. "Boop."

Gajeel's face scrunched up and Levy laughed, rolling back up. Her outreached hand now in a fist with her thumb between her middle and forefinger. She wiggled her thumb, grinning, "Well, I got your nose!"

He snorted and looked away, a faint blush tinged on his cheeks. Levy resisted the urge to giggle, he could be so shy sometimes.

She picked another daisy from the patch next to her, poking it in between the middle of a braid. She followed that pattern over and over again, pick, poke, repeat. Gajeel kept still as she worked, body sinking back into relaxation, his eyes dropped. It was so peaceful out here, no squabbling guild mates, no crisis that needed to be averted, just Levy, Gajeel, Lily, and the open sky. She could get used to the country life. Quiet, Content, and-

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