Fraxus- Feelin' Green

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Laxus was content to stay in his corner of the king's ballroom, avoiding gushing girls and the other mages that tried to talk to him. He would have stayed there all night, that is if certain people kept their hands off his second in command.

For day 2 of #ftlgbtales' event "when we take different paths" menslash week! Prompt: I don't care what others think


Laxus stood in a secluded corner of the ballroom, trying not to boil over as he watched the two men talk.

Freed and the renaissance fair reject- Rufus- seemed to have really hit it off. They are talking pleasantly, all smiles as they conversed, probably about fashion or hair care or other things well groomed men like them cared about. 

Then Freed laughed. Laughed! Together. With him.

Freed's laughter a bell-like sound Laxus could hear even across the crowded dance floor, thanks to his dragon slayer hearing. He remembered that sound from when they'd laughed together on jobs over the years. On the road, around the campfire, as they fought side by side.

Laxus growled low in his throat. His back was so stiff it felt like his shirt would rip any second now. His fingers curled, knuckles flushing white.


Natsu 2.0, the bleached blonde version, appeared in his vision, slinging an arm over his shoulder.

Laxus grimaced at clone's smile, the blindingly white teeth burning his retinas. "Buzz off, kid. I'm not in the mood."

"Yeah, you seem to be in a mood," he snickered. "And the name's Sting."

"Do I look like I care?" Laxus snapped. He was already pissy and the kid was just making it worse.

Another growl slipped out as he watched Freed smile, all soft lips and sparkling blue eyes. This drastically opposed by the hard line of Laxus mouth, his eyes dark and stormy. 

Sting wasn't deterred; he had a knowing look in his eyes that made Laxus wanna punch him. "You look like you care a lot about tall, green, and handsome over there."

A snarl ripped out of Laxus, ull of animalistic violence that would've made any smart person step back.

"You know I'm right~" Sting sang. He was not a smart person.

"You trying to get killed?" Laxus asked, an underlying threat of violence in his tone.

"Aww, don't be like that-"

The lightning dragon glared.

"Don't worry, I won't take it personally." Sting assured him. Oh, what a relief. Laxus hadn't meant it personally at all. The kid carried on yapping. "I know your suppressed dragon nature is making you territorial and horny-"

Laxus put up a hand. "I'm gonna stop you there."

He held Sting with a look that made the 3rd gen's smile waver, unsure of what Laxus was going to say or do. "I don't give a rat's ass about this dragon bullshit you're flapping your gums about-"

"I'm serious!" Sting exclaimed, his blue eyes earnest. Laxus sucked in a breath at the slight likeness—Freed's eyes were blue as well. Except Sting's were a darker shade, more like the color of a berry. Compared to the ocean that was Freed's gaze, the blonde fell short.

What the hell? Was his mind composing poetry now?

Laxus shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. He eyed Freed and Rufus, gut clenching tightly, even as a rational part of his brain tried to tell him that Freed was his own man who could talk with however. Laxus didn't care. Freed was a strong, independent-

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