12 Days of Xmas: Day 11- Fraxus

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The Rajinshuu decorated for Christmas


On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

"What are you doing?"

Laxus froze in place, his tongue halfway out, just about to touch the metallic sticks of the Christmas lights' cable.

He looked up to see Freed leaning against the doorway, arms crossed over his chest.

"Uhh..." Laxus desperately picker his mind for an answer that wasn't licking an outlet plug. "Setting up the Christmas lights?"

Freed's lips pressed together, and his brows arched up. "Hmm, is that so?"

"Yeah, Ever ditched me to go sneak her boyfriend in." As soon as Laxus said that he heard shocked exclamations coming from down the hall. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Way to be subtle.

"Ooh Ever's gotta boyfriend!" Bixlow sang like a kindergartener that had just tattled on someone, and was proud of it. "Boyfriend! Boyfriend! Boyfriend!" His babies repeated, as they bobbed drunkenly around the room.

One of the dolls floated down the hall, a beat later there was a large crash sound accompanied by a very unladylike shriek.

Heels angrily stomped on the floor and Evergreen stormed into the room, her hair tousled and glasses askew, Bixlow's totem doll cackling like an evil chipmunk.

Laxus took a step back before Evergreen could plow through him, because she would. The pissed woman grabbed Bixlow by the collar, practically spitting venom, there was a reason she was often compared to Medusa. "You are dead."

"Where's Elfman?" Bixlow asked, not at all bothered by the outburst of violence. His eyes danced with amusement between the slits in his helmet.

"Window! Window! Window!" Bixlow's babies spiraled around, and then mimicked a fall.

Bixlow's jaw dropped. "Holy shit Ever! Did you push him out the window?"

"I'll push you out the window!" Evergreen snarled, and Bixlow burst out laughing, and she shoved him away. Bixlow stumbled back, then tripped over the couch, and fell.

Evergreen's mouth twitched with satisfaction as the way he choked on his laughter as his chest connected with the wooden floor. But that wouldn't stop Bixlow, he was laughing and laughing, rolling around on the floor as if there was a squirrel in his pants. Evergreen scowled, going from satisfied to raging as she yelled at Bixlow for acting like a child who overdosed on sugar.

Seeing his chance, Laxus slipped out the living room, taking solace in the much quieter hall. He could still hear Evergreen and Bixlow going at it, but the voices were much more subdued. He really needed his headphones right now, but they'd been confiscated so Laxus would 'socialize'. The whole idea was disgusting, he didn't even know why he agreed to having a Christmas party in the first place.

"Laxus." Oh there's the reason for the Christmas party now. Freed appeared at his side, a gentle but firm hand on his shoulder. How did Freed always sneak up on him?

For whatever reason Laxus never heard him coming, sometimes he'd smell him, Freed liked his expensive cologne, but he had never once heard Freed's footfalls. Was there a rune for silence? If so Laxus wanted Freed to slap one over Bixlow's mouth.

"Hey." Laxus' greeting came out rough, and he cringed. He quickly cleared his throat, right now it was scratchy mess. "Sorry, didn't mean for that to come out to harsh. You know how the cold is on the sinuses."

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