Erzajane- Festivities

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Erza and Mirajane go to the renaissance festival!

This fic is indulgent fluff about spreading women empowerment then it takes a smutty turn when Erzajane starts indulging themselves hehe


The Renaissance Festival is a special event that comes around town once a year, and it brings wonderful things with it, a glimpse into the medieval past that attracts all sorts of people. Including two young woman with a thirst for fantasy.  

"This is so much fun. We should do stuff like this more often." Mirajane sighed, leaning into Erza's arm, their elbows already linked, like two fine ladies.

Never mind the fact that Erza was dressed in a full suit of armor, the metal shining silver and clanking with every movement. Mirajane was clothed in a sheen of a dress that accented each and every one of her curves, top to bottom. She also wore a flower crown atop her head, two curled horns poking out the top, it gave off a very forest fairy vibe. They looked a treat, dressed up splendidly for the Autumnal Renaissance Fair.

The walking path was lined with medieval themed stalks on both sides, vendors selling all kinds of things; crystal necklaces, witches brooms, blown glass, and sweet smelling incenses.

However, Mirajane's armored escort was more attracted to the things in the edible variety. Erza's eyes were always on the signs advertising turkey legs, funnel cakes, and all kinds of snacks on sticks that had no real reason to be on a stick aside from the aesthetic of it.

Lots of men, women, and children were dressed up for the occasion, wearing crowns, dresses, and dragon scales. The events weren't what people came to the Renaissance Festival for, they came for the medieval atmosphere. Here you could be a round table knight, a wizard, a dragon, or even a princess.

One princess in particular was awestruck by the knight on Mirajane's arm, her flowing red hair and metal apparel making her seem like she'd jumped straight out of a fairy tale. 

Eventually gathering up the courage, the little girl shyly approached Erza, half hiding her face behind one of her navy blue twin tails. "Are... are you a princess?"

"Young child, I am a warrior." Erza replied, looking very mighty with a hand rested on the hilt of her sword belt.

Mirajane suppressed a giggle at the dramatic display, Erza playing her part of the stoic knight gallantly. That morning she had donned a silver chest plate, as well as a leather battle skirt and boots. Her red hair was unpinned, flowing freely down her back. She must've been sweltering in that, but the woman showed no signs of discomfort.

The little girl frowned, looking down at her own green dress, then back at the armor Erza was wearing. "Could you be a princess and a warrior?" Suddenly she gasped, fluorescents filling up her eyes. "A warrior princess!"

"I don't see why not." The side of Erza's mouth twitched upwards at the delight on the little girl's face. She then stooped to the ground, and picked up the wooden sword she'd confiscated from some little boy earlier. He had been running around and smacking food out of people's hands, and made the mistake of trying to do the same to Erza.

Erza got down on one knee in front of the little girl, offering up the 'weapon'. "Would you like to be a warrior princess as well?"

The little girl nodded her head so fast and so enthusiastically that she almost toppled over.

"What's your name?" Erza asked.

"Uh... m-my... my name is..." She stuttered, then took a deep breath, squaring her shoulders and looking Erza right in the eye. "My name is Wendy."

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