Kinabra- Safeguard

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Kinana and Erik reunion fic! Mashima didn't give us any more than the boyfriend comment in the manga so this is my take on what happened.

WhAT? You're writing straight ships? Ik ik but these two give me feels and I headcanon Erik as bi sooo

Thanks for the request Popstar_wannabe I love Kinabra so I ended up writing a lot! 4k words! I hope you enjoy!


It was him. Kinana knew it was! He was battered and bruised from battle, but that wasn't enough to obscure him from her sight. His spiny maroon hair, his tan skin, his fanged grin. Excitement coursed through her veins. Giddy with glee at seeing him again.

"Erik!" She cried, running to him and waving, not caring how ridiculous she looked, not caring about how her aching legs throbbed or how the rocks in her shoes pricked at her skin. All thoughts left her head as her vision tunneled on him.

He turned towards her, his pointed ears twitching at the sound. Erik smiled at her, not even paying attention as he blasted an enemy soldier who tried to run up behind him.

Tears streamed out her eyes as she threw herself at him, his arms easily catching her, pulling her close.

Kinana buried her head in his chest, breathing him in. This was him. This was the man who had been calling to her. Who had came for her on a shooting star.

Erik tried to gently push her away, but Kinana stubbornly held on. Wanting this moment to last forever.

"C'mon, lemme look at you."

With a huff she loosened her hold around him, not daring to actually look up at. She'd been afraid to look, scared this would all be some illusion that would break the minute she looked to closely.

Erik cut right through those doubts as he tilted her head up, making her meet his gaze.
"It's good to see you again, Cubellios." He smiled, thumb smoothing over her cheek.

Her mind distantly reminded her that her name was Kinana, but she paid it no heed. Her rational mind being pushed further back by her swelling heart. She closed her eyes, leaning into his touch, her body starved for it.

"Say something," Erik told her. "I wanna hear your voice."

"Uh.. what should I say?" She laughed nervously, tucking a lock of violet hair behind her ear.

Then there was a yelled battle cry as a soldier who had been playing dead rose up to swing at her. His axe whistling through the air as it sliced down in a deadly arc, then bounced right back as if it hit an invisible wall, there was a loud clonk as the axe's handle slammed into the man's forehead and making him fall down. He had just K.O.'d himself.

"Tch." Erik's nose wrinkled, his forehead creasing. "Way to ruin our moment."

That was it. Kinana burst out laughing. Not just a soft giggle, no, it was a mouth splitting laugh that had her doubling over and clutching her stomach. "Ruin the moment." She managed to gasp out, tears in her eyes.

Erik crossed his arms, looking away as warmth bloomed across his cheeks. "Well, excuse me for wanting our reunion to be something special."

Kinana simply smiled at him, coming back into close proximity. Starting from his temple, she slowly ran her finger down his face, ending at his jaw line. "You always were sweet."

Erik looked taken aback by the statement. Obviously sweet wasn't the first thing most people thought when they saw him. But I'm Kinana's case, sweet described the way he treated her perfectly.

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