12 Days of Xmas: Day 7- Lyoke

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Loke, fairy tail's play boy, finds his role reverses when he is swept of his feet by a handsome stranger. Christmas is a time for miracles.


On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

Loke traveled down the snow dusted walkway, his leather boots helping him keep his footing and the street lamps lighting his way through the cold night.

The river was coated in a sheen layer of ice, halting the boat traffic. There wasn't one shadow that hinted at aquatic life, just the slow running stream.

The streets were scarce except for the occasional person or couple, everyone outside was bundled up tight.

And so was he. Loke strolled past a shop window, and cocked finger guns at his reflection.

Loke strolled past a shop window and cocked finger guns at his reflection. Damn, he looked good in winter wear. Whoever said trench coats were out of style?

The only downfall to the winter season was the cold air, it fogged over his green shades and he had to wipe them off every five minutes. It was starting to get tedious. Even now he was almost walking blind.

"Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock," Loke sang under his breath, bobbing his head to the beat, the snowy atmosphere along with the glittering fairy lights getting him in the Christmas Spirit.

"Jingle bells swing," He slid to the side, the movement fluid and smooth thanks to the ice slick stones spurring on his momentum, "and jingle bells ring."

"Snowing and blowing..." Loke stooped down, scooping up a handful of snow and throwing it skyward. "...up bushels of fun."

"Now the jingle hop..." He leaped into the air, the flaps of his jacket flying up. "...has begun!" Gravity took hold and he dropped, but it was not the graceful landing the Lion had expected.

Loke's foot caught a patch of ice, and his legs slid out from under him, his head tipped back, wide eyes staring up at the stars.

Then a pair of strong arms caught him, halting the man's rapid decline. Loke's gaze fell upon his savior, all dark eyes and shocks of spiky white locks. He knew that angular face.

"Lyon," Loke breathed, his breath a white puff in the air and his heart a pounding mess inside his chest. He only knew Lyon because he was good friends with Gray, both of them pretty boy, ice maker mages. And even then, it was only brief introductions, nothing like this.

Lyon's pastel pink lips parted slightly, his eyes as fogged over as Loke's glasses. "I think you just fell for me."


"Hold up," Gray interjected and Loke paused in his romantic retelling. Lyon looked at his brother figure with wide eyes, making a cut-throat gesture with his hand. Loke and Lyon had made dinner plans and they'd dragged Gray along with them, telling him to quit being antisocial and go out for once. "You know he totally did that on purpose, right?"

Loke blinked and Lyon glared at Gray. "Why do you have to call me out like this? I can't be romantic without you ruining it."

Gray rolled his eyes, muttering about how he was friends with a bunch of drama queens.

Loke's mind was reeling. "Wait? What's happening?" He looked back and forth between his boyfriend and best friend. Lyon looked like he was plotting a murder, Gray didn't seem all that concerned.

"I froze the ice so I could catch you, okay!" Lyon threw his hands up in the air as he confessed, then he whipped around to face Gray. "Happy now, Mr.Scrooge?"

Gray just slurped his cocoa, choosing to stay silent. Loke, however, was gaping at his boyfriend, jaw on the floor. Gray snorted into his cup.

Loke gathered himself, picking his jaw up off the floor and looking at Lyon over his glasses. "You created the ice I slipped on?"

"Y-yes," Lyon confirmed, his throat bobbing. He shifted in his seat, sweat starting to fork on his brow.

"So you could catch me?"


"Oh, you smooth motherfucker!" Loke smacked the table, causing the plates and cutlery to shake. Lyon almost jumped out his seat.

"How could I let you outmaneuver me like that? I'm the king of romance and you one-upped me! God damn!" Loke smacked the table again, seething in his two-piece suit.

Lyon laughed, then clamped a hand over his mouth when Loke glared at him. "Well, maybe I dethroned you." Lyon leaned forwards in his seat, dark intentions in his gaze.

Gray sighed, putting his drink down. "Please don't have your foreplay in front of me."

Lyon didn't spare him a glance, eyes fixated upon Loke. "Then leave."

"Hmph, I've been wanting to leave since I got here." Gray rose from his seat and threw a couple bills down to pay for his portion. "If you two have public sex, I'm not bailing you out again."

"Yeah, yeah." Lyon waved him off and Loke snickered.

"Bye. Wish I could say I had a good time." And with that Gray left.

"Damn." Loke whistled, "Someone's grouchy."

Lyon chuckled. "He's gonna give himself frown lines."

Loke played along, shaking his head as if in disappointment. "A shame, he has such a pretty face."

"Yeah, but mine's prettier." Lyon winked.

Loke laughed, then his voice dropped low and smooth. "It certainly is. Why don't we get out of here and go someplace quieter?"

"Where we can get noisy?" Lyon drawled with a raised eyebrow. He lifted up his hand to motion for the check, his dark eyes never leaving the Lion.

"Exactly." Loke breathed, his body starting to heat with the warmth of the stars. The corner of his mouth quirked up. "And I can see if you have any other... confessions you would like to make."

Lyon's breath hitched and Loke grinned fully, feline pride shining through. This was going to be a very interesting night.



The Lacrima radio of the Magic Council Detention Corps rang and an officer picked it up. "Hello?"

"We got a public indecency arrest. Two men were having... um..." The voice over the radio cleared their throat. "...intercourse in a church."

"In a church!?"

"Yeah... and they're saying they wanna call a Gray Fullbuster, he's a Fairy Tail mage."

The officer sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Of course, it was Fairy Tail.

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