12 Days of Xmas: Day 1- Cobratsu

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This is the first part of my collection of Fairy Tail Christmas themed oneshots! Get ready for some crazy winter holiday shenanigans over the period of 12 days!

Summary: Christmas time comes calling and Natsu Dragneel gets a visit from his secret boyfriend, the former member of the oracion seis, Cobra. If only his guild mates could mind their own business.


On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

Natsu skipped down the snow covered sidewalk as he sang merrily. "He's making a list, and checking it twice! He's gonna find out who's naughty and nice! Santa Claus is comin' to tooooown!"

"How much do I have to pay you to shut up?" Erik snapped, already agitated from all the Christmas songs assaulting his poor ears. He wasn't above bribery at the point, but he wouldn't stoop as low as begging. "Your god awful screeching is hurting my ears."

Natsu rolled his eyes, having heard this many times before. "You and your ears."

"They're sensitive." Erik defended his ears, he was rather fond of them, even if sometimes they did more harm than good. He could still hear the roar that had come out of Natsu's mouth when they'd fought above Nirvana. That sound would never leave him.

"'They're sensitive'." Natsu repeated in a mocking tone. Erik scowled and pushed Natsu's Santa hat down over his eyes. Little shit.

Natsu pushed it back up, whining. "Erik, that's not very nice of you. Be careful or you're gonna end up on the naughty list."

Erik snorted. "I'm pretty sure I'm already on there. Mass murderer, remember?"

"Misguided mass murderer." Natsu corrected and Erik rolled his eyes at the naive optimism. "You're good now. So I bet if you work hard enough you'll get on the nice list."

Natsu began to sing that obnoxious Christmas song again, the fire dragon couldn't carry a tune to save his life.

Erik massages his pounding temples. "Natsu, please shut up." Apparently his qualms about begging had vanished. Natsu tended to smash through anything in his way, including Erik's principles.

"That's not very nice."

"I said please."

Natsu didn't bite, he got all up in Erik's face, waggling his finger disapprovingly. That busty blonde was really rubbing off on him, giving him bad habits. Even though Natsu already had plenty of those, like dating former fugitives. "You need to get into the Christmas spirit or you're never going to be on the nice list."

Erik's eye twitched. "If I hear one more person tell me to get into the Christmas Spirit I'm going to stab someone." Or maybe he'd just poison them. Both options sounded very appealing to the former convict.

"Grinch." Natsu poked him in the side and a growl slipped out of Erik lips. Natsu snickered, his point proven.

"Natsu, I've had enough of that song. And I've had enough of singing in general. Do you know how many people in this city are singing the same annoying Christmas song?"

"A lot?" Natsu guessed.

"No shit." 

"Then I'll sing a different song."

Before Erik could protest about what a horrible idea that was Natsu launched into another Christmas song, somehow even more annoying that the last.

"All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth! My two front teeth! See my two front teeth!"

"I'll knock out your two front teeth." Erik threatened. "Gladly."

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