12 Days of Xmas: Day 3- Orfus

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Orga has always wanted to go Christmas caroling, and with the new and improved Sabertooth, Orga's Christmas wish might come true.


On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

"Rufus. Hey Rufus~"

Meaty finger poked at Rufus' side, but he paid them no heed, continuing to sip his wine.

Music played through the guild hall, a duet between a man and a woman, singing back and forth. The man's voice deep and husky opposed to the light jilt of the woman's. Little lights hung overhead, tied around the structure's pillars on either side.

Sting and Yukino were on the dance floor, laughing like fools (and dancing like them). Off to the side, Dobengal was doing what appeared to be a robot impression, Dhoot cheering him along from the sidelines.

Yukino gasped as a new song played over the jukebox, then stumbled over to Minerva, grabbing her hands and talking loudly about how she just had to come dance with her because this was her favorite song, and because Minerva was her favorite gal. Rufus snorted into his drink as Minerva blushed scarlet and Rogue watched the exchange, their smile amused.

"Rufus, come on! Look at me!" Orga whined, not enjoying being ignored, the dog like behavior accented by the puppy eyes he was no doubt trying to give Rufus.

But Rufus wouldn't fall for it, not this time. As long as he didn't look he'd be safe. "What do you want, now?" He asked, more to the wine glass than his muscled boyfriend.

"Will you go Christmas caroling with me?" Rufus fixed him with a side eye that said exactly what his answer would be, Orga tried to convince him, laying it on thick. "Only for like an hour, and we can look at all the cool Christmas decoration as we go down the street."

Rufus sipped at his wine, pretending to think about it. "Hmm... no."

"We can go to that bookstore you like?" Orga tried and Rufus snorted. The bookstore would be closed at this hour. It might not have opened at all today, thanks to the holiday break.

"Nice try with the book bribe, but that answer is still no." Rufus nodded towards the dance floor, at their guildmates. "Why don't you ask the others, I'm sure one of them go with you."

Currently Sting was chasing Rogue around, wanting a dance partner, but Rogue wasn't having it, disappearing into shadows every time it looked like Sting had caught them. They really weren't the dancing type.

Across the dance floor, Dobengal and Minerva were having a robot style dance-off, Yukino providing some beatboxing to spice things up. It wasn't like there was music already playing.

"But I want you to come with me." Orga insisted, stubbornly. "Please... I'll love you forever."

"You don't already love me forever?" Rufus put a hand over his heart in mock offense. He was always one for theatrics.

Orga groaned, his hands fisted in his turquoise locks, looking like he was halfway there to ripping them out.

Rufus smirked, and walked up to his boyfriend, staring up into the man's hazel eyes. Orga was a lot taller than Rufus so looking him straight in the eye was a bit more difficult, and it gave the blond a crick in his neck. "Relax, I'm just playing with you." Rufus's finger wiped away some of the leftover crumbs on the corner of Orga's mouth.

"Like a fiddle," Orga replied, catching his hand and squeezing it in his own.

"Well, I am a minstrel."

"Will you sing with me then,"  Orga eyed his boyfriend with a teasing grin. "minstrel?"

"I only sing to the red moon." Rufus stuck his nose in the air as he quoted the Grand Magic Games Announcer. Orga huffed a laugh, rubbing a hand over his face, and Rufus caught some of the man's mutterings, the words: dramatic and lil' bitch standing out the most. How eloquent.

Then Rogue materialized in front of them, shadows clinging to his skin and Rufus heard a yelled battle cry as Sting jumped at his boyfriend. Rogue disappeared again and Sting flew through empty space, Rufus having sidestepped to avoid being tackled by his guild master.

Sting crashed into a table, rolled off it swaddled in the pink tablecloth and fell to the ground. He had a remarkable resemblance to a pig in a blanket. Rogue hovered above him snickering as Sting tried to wrestle free, but the tablecloth held firm. Their guild master, defeated by a tablecloth. What a proud day for Sabertooth this was.

Orga pointed a finger at Sting, the other hand clutching his belly as he bellowed and laughed, tears in his eyes. Dobengal took a picture, the shutter snapping.

"Delete that!" Sting ordered furiously, twisting and turning in his wrappings.

Dobengal threw down a smoke bomb and it exploded in a great plume and when the smoke cleared, he was gone. Sting cursed colorfully, then screamed about how he would find the ninja. 

This all was getting a bit too loud for Rufus' tastes. He turned to Orga, who was bent over in his amusement. "I will go with you."

Orga's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Really!"

"Yes, but I will not..." Rufus suppressed the urge to shudder. "...carol. This is simply companionship." And a way to get out of the noisy guild hall.

The man wasn't deterred, grinning from ear to ear. "I'll take it!" Then Orga started skipping to the hall's doors, singing about how his grandmother got run over by a reindeer. How morbid.

Orga held open the door for his companion and Rufus eyed him up and down. "You're going out like that?" Orga was shirtless as usual and with the muscles and tattoos he had he could certainly pull it off, but the dead of winter was not the time for showing off six packs.

"Uh... yeah." He shrugged, not seeing the issue.

"Uh, no." Rufus countered and took the man by the arm. "We are going to get you a coat, then we will go."

Orga groaned about how Rufus wasn't his mother but the minstrel ignored him. No matter how much that big oaf complained Rufus was not letting him go out shirtless in the snow.

Rufus came to the coat room and started browsing through it for a coat Orga's size. Curse the man's broad shoulders.

Finally he found a coat that would fit Orga, one that had been left by Jura last time he had visited. The guild had meant to return it but they'd never gotten around to it, so the coat had been left in here, forgotten. Surely the Wizard Saint wouldn't mind if they borrowed it. For the greater good of course.

Rufus slipped the coat off the rack and handed it to Orga who frowned, wrinkling his nose, not at all thrilled by being forced to clothe his upper half.

"I do not associate with the uncivilized. So put on this coat and wear it in the cold like a civilized man or I will not associate with you or your caroling." Rufus told him and Orga grumbled, but pulled on the coat. Rufus nodded, satisfied with his work. "Let us go, then."

"To siiing!" Orga sang the word 'sing' like he was in an opera. Rufus cringed, already starting to regret agreeing to this. It was going to be a long night.


That December evening as the pair strolled the snowy streets, Rufus, despite earlier statement about how he would absolutely not sing, hummed along.

But if anyone asked later, the minstrel would deny it, then turn around and wink at his boyfriend. Orga's smile had never been so bright.

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