Chendy- Cookie Trouble

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The sky sisters bake float cookies together and things get out of hand ;)

For day 3 of #ftlgbtales' event "when we take different paths" femslash week! Prompt: hands


"Ugh, I'm so messy." Wendy wrinkled her nose as she pouted down at her flour coated hands. She side eyed her partner. "And you're even messier."

Chelia grinned in response. Not only had she gotten cookie ingredients all up her arms and front but she had somehow gotten it on her nose as well. If Carla had been here she would've had a heart attack, luckily the Exceed was out running an errand.

"We gotta get down and dirty, Wendy!" She gestured to her flour covered self. "Yukino's float cookies aren't gonna make themselves!"

The dragon slayer simply huffed and went back to whisking the cookie batter. Chelia was right. They needed to make these float cookies or Wendy and the other dragons slayers would be horking up their lunch.

The joys of becoming what Sting-san qualified as a true dragon slayer. Something about how great power needs to be balanced out with a weakness. Even if that weakness seemed like a cosmic joke.

The lacrima powered microwave beeped and Chelia skipped over to take the ingredient out. "Incoming! One cup of softened butter!"

Wendy moved to the side as Chelia dumped the buttery goop into the bowl, making a resounding splash as it plopped in.

"Now we just gotta stir this and it'll be ready for the oven." The god slayer said, her head appearing over Wendy's shoulder.

"Gotcha." Wendy replied distantly, too focused on her task to partake in actual conversation.

Chelia glowered down at the batter. "This is taking too long." She crouched down and started to rummage through the cabinets.

"Eek!" Wendy squeaked, blushing pink when Chelia went under her legs to try and get into the cabinet she'd been standing in front of. "Chelia!"

Chelia came back up, a magic powered mixer in hand.  "Got it!"

She held it aloft like a trophy, and pushed the button, making the metal whisks whirl around.

"You could've just asked me to move." The dragon slayer's pouted, her cheeks covered in a dusting of pink that matched the god slayer's hair.

"What's the problem?" Chelia asked with fake innocent. "Even if I peeked I already know what your panties look like."

Wendy squeaked again, dropping the spatula as she brought up her hands to cover her burning face.

Chelia cackled and elbowed past the blushing girl. She started to mix the batter herself, the mechanical tool buzzing to life.

Wendy risked a peek through her fingers and realized the danger a second too late. "Wait! Chelia the mixer is on-"

"Oh shit!" The god slayer cursed, jumping back as batter splattered in every direction. On the counter, on the walls, and on the two girls.

"-the high setting." Wendy finished uselessly, then looked in dismay at her batter speckled self. She lifted up a navy blue lock in her hand. "Oh no, my hair!"

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