Gratsu- Bailed

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At first a road trip sounded like a good idea to Team Natsu, that is until Natsu gives Lucy, Erza, and Gray a terrifying reminder about how dramatic he, and his motion sickness can get.

This is the backstory on why Gray has childproof locks on his car doors (he locks Lyon and Loke in the car lol) requested by the wonderful MsVulgarities  thank you for being so invested in my fics! This story is a bit of a prequel to my Lyoke fic but you can read either without the other.


"Lemme outta here." Natsu's hand smacked weakly against the back of Gray's seat, "I'm gonna hurl."

"Quit being so dramatic, flame brain. You'll be fine." Even so Gray glanced in the rearview mirror to check on him, Natsu was doubled over in the backseat. He moaning miserably as Lucy, trying to be helpful, rubbed circles into his back.

It only made Natsu moan louder. "I think... uhh... I'm g-gonna die..."

Gray rolled his eyes, looking back towards the road. He wasn't gonna let Natsu's whining distract him, the last thing he wanted was for them to get in a wreck on the highway. 

"Poor guy." Erza sympathized from the shotgun seat. There were Ray Bans over her eyes and bare feet up on the dash, a bag of beaver nuggets in her lap.

"Yeah," Lucy agreed. "Getting car sick is the worst thing on a road trip."

"Why did I even come on a road trip? I'm a fucking dumbass." Natsu gritted out, then careened over, banging his head against the car door. "Stupid, stupid, stupid."

Before Gray could agree, saying 'yeah, you are'. Lucy cut in, pulling Natsu away from the door and preventing him from causing himself further brain damage. "You're here because you wanna go to Universal and see the Jurassic World attractions, remember?"

"Dinosaurs..." He mumbled, head lolling to the side and Gray snorted, priorities. Natsu hated roller coasters, but one mention of anything involving reptilian creatures and he was there.

Erza twisted back in her seat, holding out her plastic bag. "Want a beaver nugget?"

The pink haired man looked up from his previously hunched over position, eyes lidded and face a shade of green. He looks like a Martian, Gray thought, more amused with the situation then he was letting on.

Natsu whimpered, actually whimpered, as he saw the snack. "As much as I love nuggets... if I ate anything right now I'd probably throw it back up."

"You better not." Gray snapped, turning back in his seat to glare daggers at the car sick patient. If Natsu blew chunks in his new car... Gray would kill him. Kill him, then harvest his organs, and sell them on the black market as a way to pay for the damage. Wow, hello serial killer thoughts. Gray had been watching way too much "Criminal Minds".

"Urghh... are we there yet?" Natsu whined, impatient and harried.

Erza checked her watch, far too used to this Natsu's childish behavior to be fazed. "We will be there in three more hours."


"Yup." Erza confirmed, nodding. "You better suck it up till then."

"Fuck this!" Natsu yelled and Gray heard a click and Lucy shriek, "Natsu Dragneel what are you doing? Close that door this instant!"

Gray turned his head around just in time to watch Natsu jump out the car. "Son of a bitch!" He barked, slamming on the breaks, and watching through the window as Natsu hit the gravel rolling. 

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