12 Days of Xmas: Day 2- Juvana

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Cana Alberona spiked the Christmas eggnog and Juvia Lockser does something very embarrassing and ends up crying on Gajeel. Gajeel is not amused.


On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

Juvia buried her burning face in her hands, groaning. "Juvia is going to die."

"Juvia, please." Gajeel rolled his eyes at her dramatics. "You're not gonna die."

"Juvia is going to die." She repeated. Gajeel sighed and rubbed his forehead, muttering about bull headed bluenettes.

"You know Alberona brought this upon herself, spiking the eggnog like that. Oi, Alberona!" Gajeel called and the brunette looked up from her current drinking contest. The man competing against her looked like he would fall over at a feather's brush. Gajeel jerked his head at Juvia. "Come over here!"

Cana rose to her feet, swaying slightly, but was mostly sure footed as she walked across the bar floor. She glomped at him, "Gajeel! Merry Christmas!" Cana buried her nose in his chest as she hugged the life out of him. "Hmm you smell nice, like gingerbread."

Gajeel snorted. "Yeah because I helped cry baby over here," -he jabbed a finger at Juvia, the puddle of tears around her stool slowly growing - "bake them for Frosty, and he rejected her like always and because she was sad she drank some of your spiked eggnog and confessed to him in front of everyone, and 'cause Frosty's a coward-"

"Gray-sama is not a coward!" Juvia protested.

Gajeel rolled his eyes. "The 'not coward' brushed her off and then practically ran away." He grabbed Cana's shoulders, prying them off of him and pivoted her to face Juvia. "Since this is your fault, you're gonna fix it. Cheer her up or something, I don't care how, I just can't stand all this moping."

"Aww, Juvia!" Cana cooed as she plopped onto the stool next to the Rain Woman. "Boys got you down?"

Juvia sniffed, and nodded. "Uh-huh."

"Well I don't blame ya if the boys you're hanging out with are Gajeel and Gray, both their middle names are Grumpy Pants."

Juvia, despite herself, giggled. "Gajeel-kun is grumpy sometimes."


"Yeah he is." Cana laughed with her. "Forget about them, when these old boys get ya down just get some new ones!"

"Juvia will never forget about Gray-sama!" She protested with pursed lips and puffed up cheeks.

Cana snorted. "That's your choice sweetheart, but I think it's a dead end. Gray doesn't do feelings." She made air quotes as she said: feelings.

"Gray-sama will come around eventually." Juvia said, but it sounded more like she was trying to convince herself then her companions.

Cana shook her head sadly. "I wouldn't hold out hope."

Juvia sniffed, her shoulders curling in on herself as she wilted like a flower, tears once again pooling in her eyes.

Gajeel kicked Cana beneath the table, hissing under his breath. "You were supposed to cheer her up."

"You want me to lie to her?" Cana asked, her violet eyes hard as gemstones. "She'll be even more upset later if we give her false hope. Better to give her the harsh truth then a lie meant to tide her over."

Gajeel grumbled, but backed off, letting Cana take the reins since it seemed like she knew what she was doing.

Cana grabbed a bottle and poured two shot glasses. She slid one across the counter to Juvia. "Forget about your troubles and move on to other boys. You need something new."

Juvia looked at the shot glass skeptically- alcohol was what got her into this mess in the first place.

"And who knows..." Cana picked hers up, raising it to the sky like a toast. "Maybe Gray will get jealous."

Juvia's eyes widened and she lunged for the glass, downing it as Cana cheered, you go girl! and kicked back her own shot.

Juvia set her glass down, looking a bit peaky. She coughed. "That was very strong."

"The best kind!" Cana winked, then sidled up to Juvia, slinging an arm around her shoulders and pulling the bluenette close. "So you got any new boys in mind? Or are you still fixated on Gray?"

"Juvia is loyal to Gray-sama."

Cana huffed, and so did Gajeel. They should've expected that answer. Gajeel took a swig of his own drink. Juvia was as bullheaded as they come, so this was gonna be a long night.

"Well, what about a new girl?" Cana suggested with a sly smile.

Gajeel choked on his drink and Juvia's rosy cheeks darkened even further, this time not from the alcohol.

"Oh, come on! Don't be prudes!" Cana exclaimed, waggling her finger at them. "Lesbian sex is the best thing there is. It'll satisfy you much more than anything with a dude."

Juvia squeaked at the vulgarity, hiding her face in her hands. "J-juvia is not in it for the... the..." she couldn't say it.

"What Juvia's trying to say is she's not a hook-up kinda girl. She cares more about the romantic aspects." Gajeel scoffed at the idea, as if it was the most ridiculous thing there ever was.

"Then don't hookup, try and get yourself a girlfriend. Specifically me." If Cana was embarrassed by what she'd just said she didn't show it.

Juvia's embarrassment, however, was very obvious. Her face was bright red and Gajeel worried she might overheat and turn to steam. Wouldn't be the first time it had happened.

Cana rested a hand on Juvia's shoulder. "Juvia, I know you're hung up about Gray, and I also know that I'm obviously the better choice here."

Gajeel snorted into his drink. "Someone thinks very highly of herself."

Cana didn't even turn around as she flipped him the bird, continuing on with her speech. "...but if that's how you feel, then go for it. And I'll be happy to cheer you on."

Juvia looked at Cana, her eyes welling with tears. Uh oh. Gajeel knew what that look meant. He took a step back just as Juvia threw herself at Cana, sobbing. "Cana-san!"

"Woah." Cana patted Juvia's back as she sobbed into her shoulder. "What's with the hug attack?"

"It's just-" Juvia sniffed. "Cana is so kind and sweet to Juvia. Cana says all these nice things and tries to cheer Juvia up even when she's sad because she doesn't have a girlfriend."

Cana frowned. "I didn't say I was sad. You're the sad one. Even your hair is sad." She held up a blue curl for emphasis. "You're always blue, and your hair is blue. It's science!"

"Well, now Juvia isn't sad, Cana made her laugh and for a moment Juvia forget that she was sad."

As Juvia prattled on, Cana shot Gajeel a look, grinning. 'Haha suck it Gajeel, I cheered her up when you couldn't.'

Gajeel glared back at her. 'Why do you think I called you over here? I'm not good at this comforting shit.'

"Cana is a good friend!" Juvia stated, firmly.

Gajeel snickered at the way Cana's stiffened. 'Someone just got friendzoned.'

Cana glared at him over Juvia's shoulders 'You wanna go, Redfox?'

Gajeel smirked, and crossed his arms over his chest. 'Anytime, anywhere Alberona.'

The two continued their stare down as Juvia cried a river about friendship. Yup, it was going to be a long night.

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