12 Days of Xmas: Day 6- Milliagura

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Millianna has always wanted a kitten, it's on the tip top of her Christmas list, but a cat isn't something Kagura wants.


On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

The lacrima heater beeped and Kagura took the steaming mug of hot cocoa out, blowing on it slightly. "Hey Millianna, Do you want anything with your hot cocoa?"

"Mini marshmallows!" She called from the living room.

Kagura's eyes did a quick sweep on the pantry, and fell upon a bag which she grabbed, reading the label. "I only have regular sized, but it's like the same thing."

"No, it's not! Minies are better."

"What's the difference?" She asked exasperated. There was not a single difference between mini marshmallows and regular marshmallows besides quantity. How big or small something is will not affect the way it tastes.

"They're just better." Milliana said stubbornly, firm in her stance.

Kagura pushed back her bangs, the pads of her fingers massaging her forehead. Milliana might love cats and style her hair to correlate that love, but sometimes her personality was more like that of a mule. Stubborn.

Kagura sighed, letting her hands fall down and smack against the counter. "I can chop the marshmallows into little bits, will that work?" Will that sate your stubbornness?

"I guess..."

Kagura drew a kitchen knife from the knife block, and expertly chopped a few marshmallows into itty bitty pieces, before dumping the into Milliana's mug. Satisfied with her work, Kagura picked up her own mug and padded back into the living room.

Kagura set the twin mugs of hot cocoa down on the coffee table. She sank into the leather couch, next to her girlfriend Millianna, who was absorbed with whatever holiday themed movie was playing on the Lacrima screen.

"So, what do you want for Christmas?" Kagura asked, always straight to the point, unlike her sexuality.

Millianna perked up, looking away from the screen and at Kagura with shining eyes. "A kitty!"

Kagura snorted at the response she should've expected, rolling her eyes. "Besides that." A cat was a big responsibility and Kagura didn't think they would have time to take care of it. Thanks to the explosive Grand Magic Games Mermaid Heel (and the six other guilds that had competed) popularity had risen and so had the surplus of jobs flooding in.

Millianna deflated in her seat, arms crossed as she pouted. "Nothing then."

The sides of Kagura's lips twitched, and she had to clamp down on a smile. Her inner thoughts coo-ing about how cute Millianna was when she was grumpy. "Aww come on." Her finger stroked through Millianna's choppy hair. "There's gotta be something else you want."


Kagura blinked. "What?"

Millianna grinned from ear to ear, "All I want for Christmas- besides a kitty cat- is you!" She sang and Kagura cringed at the awful noise. Millianna had always been tone deaf, but she didn't let that stop her, singing the cheesy Christmas song with gusto.

Halfway through the chorus Millianna coughed and Kagura handed the wannabe singer her drink. Millianna mumbled a 'thanks', slurping her cocoa.

Millianna set down her drink and Kagura clicked her tongue, giving a pointed look to the coaster on the coffee table. Millianna rolled her eyes but did as instructed, setting it down on top of the coaster, like a civilized person.

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