12 Days of Xmas: Day 8- Chendy

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Wendy has never considered herself a morning person, but it's snowing outside and Chelia won't take no for an answer. Wintry shenanigans ensue.


On the eighth day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

"Wendy. WENDY! Wake up!"

"Urgh, five more minutes." Wendy mumbled into her pillow, the side of her mouth crusted in drool.

"Wendy! Come on!" Chelia tugged on her friend's limp arm, but Wendy was a dead weight in her hands. "It's snowing outside!"

"Snowing?" Suddenly Wendy was wide awake, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

Chelia pointed out the window, to the streets of Margaret town that were covered in a white flurry. A white Christmas. Chelia walked into their shared closet, starting to layer on clothes over her pajamas. She grabbed a coat and chucked it backwards, right into Wendy's drowsy face. "Get dressed! We're gonna go build a snowman and and make snow angels and go sledding-"

"No sledding." Wendy interrupted, already feeling queasy at the mention of flying down a hill on a spinning disk. Ever since she'd gone into dragon force against the Tartaros demon, Ezel, she'd been sick to her stomach every time she was on a moving vehicle.

Chelia rolled her eyes, probably thinking dragon slayer sickness ridiculous. "Fine, no sledding."

The two girls bundled up in coats, hats, and scarves, not even bothering to change out of their night clothes. Wendy finished tying her boots and ran up to Chelia, who waiting for her at the door and holding it open.

"Slow poke." Chelia huffed, and she was right about that, Wendy had been half asleep when she'd been getting dressed.

"Eager beaver." Wendy shot back, her statement just as true as Chelia's.

The god slayer stuck her tongue out and pulled down her eyelid. "Bleh."

Wendy giggled, and gave her friend a playful shove. Chelia shoved her back and Wendy darted out of the way before they could start a brawl. Their competitive streak they'd gained during Grand Magic Games had never really left them. The sky slayers hurried down the spiral staircase, the wooden steps creaking with the stompings of little boots.

They opened the door to the apartment complex, and were greeted by a blast of bone chilling wind, their coats flapping and their scarves whipping around their necks. Wendy felt a pang in her stomach as she watched Chelia's white scarf spin around, thinking of another white scarf and person with pink hair. She missed Natsu horribly, and the rest of her family in Fairy Tail. Lamia Scale had welcomed her with open arms, but it was never truly her home. Everything here felt temporary, as if she was waiting for the ball to drop.

Chelia squealed, jolting Wendy out of her past's' memories. The young dragon slayer watched as Chelia leapt into a mound of snow, sending up a cloud of white powder in her wake. "SNOW!" She bellowed like it was a battle cry.

Wendy laughed and crouched down next to Chelia. "Yes, this is snow."

"Smarty pants." Chelia pouted, and held out her arms. "Help me up."

Wendy rolled her eyes, but helped Chelia to her feet and dusted the powder off her charcoal gray leggings. "Lazy."

"That's rich coming from you." Chelia tipped her head back and groaned like a zombie. "Ugh, five more minutes."

Wendy scowled, her nose scrunching up. Chelia snickered. "Aww, you look to cute when you're grumpy." She tapped the tip of Wendy's nose. "Boop."

The dragon slayer only scowled further, her brown eyes glaring at Chelia.

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