Gratsu- Acing the Mission

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Team Natsu goes on a job to take down a monster that only goes after virgins and Ace! Natsu comes out to his team

For day 3 of #ftlgbtales' event "when we take different paths" spooky tales short week! Prompt: "the legend said it only goes after virgins... so sucks for you I guess"


Gray read through the job flier as he and his teammates sat around the campfire, or more accurately, sat around Natsu.

Natsu was sitting on his butt in the dirt, criss cross applesauce, with his arms folded over his chest and face set in a scowl. He was also on fire. The red gold flames licked at his skin, Natsu's eyes glaring and unfazed by the heat. Gray didn't know how his eyes didn't dry out, must be some fire dragon thing.

Erza was even roasting a marshmallow over his head. Natsu grumbled about it, but didn't voice any other opinions because you didn't say no to Erza when she wanted sweets.

Erza smiled at the fire mage. "Thank you for providing warmth Natsu. It's really nice of you." 

"Yeah, thanks Natsu!" Gray and Lucy parroted, while Erza was actually sincere, they were just teasing their makeshift campfire. 

Natsu flipped them the bird and Gray and Lucy snickered as they fist bumped, wearing twin grins.

"Remind me why I'm doing this?" Natsu demanded, throwing his hands up in the air and making the fire flash brighter, evidence of his annoyance.

"Because you love us?" Lucy suggested coyly.

Natsu was having none of it. "If that's the best you got this fire is about to go out."

She stuck her tongue out and him and he did the same.

"What? Can't go all night Natsu?" Gray challenged. The age old rivalry taking over.

He was always up for the chance to clash with Natsu. It was addicting, their fighting, the adrenaline high and the long winded feeling of never knowing who would win. They had met their match in each other.

Fire and ice, clashing for eternity. No winners, no losers. Just the ongoing fight. They would never be satisfied.

Natsu let himself be taunted, rising to his feet, full of fire and fury.

"NATSU!" Lucy exclaimed, yanking back her satchel. "Your going to burn my books!"

"And my fish!" Happy added, waving his meal around for emphasis.

He ignored them, stalking up to Gray. Natsu jabbed a finger at his chest, burning a hole through his shirt, for once actually on his body. "I'll go any time, any where, ice princess." He spat out the nickname like it was swill.

"Bring it on, flame brain." Gray smirked up at him, his finger twitched at his sides, eager for the fight.

The dragon slayer's mouth opened in a snarl, exposing fanged teeth, "Le-"

Whatever Natsu was about to say was cut off as Erza yanked him back by his ear. "No fighting!" Natsu struggled against her hold on ear, but it was no use against Titania's iron grip.

"Ooh Natsu's in trouble!" Happy sang.

She shot a look Gray's way. "That goes to you too, Fullbuster."

Scary. Gray held up his hands in surrender, a nervous, god awful smile on his face. "Yes ma'am." 

"Ooh Gray's in trouble!" Happy repeated the call and Gray glared at the cat. Happy fled to hide his face in Lucy's chest wailing about how mean everyone was too him. Lucy just patted his head.

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