Stingue- Tender in the Dark

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Sting has a dream about the bad moments in his past and wakes up feeling sick, Rogue is there for him. Angst at first, but then it turns into comfort floof

Thanks for the request ShadowOfNight666  I hope its okay that I had Sting having the nightmare instead of Rogue! I just didn't wanna over play the future rouge shadow trope. Also this kind of doubles for Stingue week so it's two birds with one stone! Hope you enjoy!



That's what they were. Two little boys with dreams too big for their own heads. How they'd dreamed of being like their mentors. Natsu. Gajeel. Both dragon slayers like them, but also unlike them.

Natsu and Gajeel did not have dragon lacrimas. That's why Acnologia had defeated them. Sting and Rogue would never be defeated by a dragon, for they had dragon lacrimas. They had obtained those magic lacrimas from the the dragons they had slain, Weisslogia and Skiadrum. The weight of that sin heavy on their shoulders.

"They were your parents." Natsu had snarled at them.

Parents or not they were dragons, and it was a dragon slayers job to kill dragons. It was their strength. Even if those lacrimas, that strength, had come with a terrible price.


"B-but I don't wanna kill you!" Sting had cried, shaking his head fiercely. "I don't wanna!"

Weisslogia smiled down at him, age old eyes twinkling knowingly. "I know you don't, but you must. Those who bathe in dragon blood become stronger, and strength will protect you. It's a cruel world out there, Sting."

"The only thing that's cruel right now is you!" Stings screamed at him, pounding his fists against the dragon's scales, salty tears streaming down his face. He'd hated those tears. He'd loathed them, how they made him feel weak and powerless.

"Kill me, Sting." Weisslogia had ordered, and like a good soldier, Sting had done as told. He'd killed Weisslogia, the only father he had ever known, dead at his hands.


Weisslogia had been the most powerful being Sting knew, and now he was dead.

Natsu had been his idol, and now he was dead. Slain by Acnologia.

The little boy let out a guttural scream and punched a tree. Screaming and screaming and screaming. Punching and punching and punching.

"S-sting? What's wrong?" Lector had asked, half hiding behind an outcropping of bricks.

Sting halted his assault, shaking from head to toe, meaty fists caked in blood and splinters. His throat was scraped raw and his eyes burned. Weisslogia had been right -the world was cruel, especially to those that were not strong.

"You just gotta get back up, Sting." A flash of pink hair and a troublemaker grin that radiated warmth. "No matter what, you always get back up. Don't let anything keep you down."

"But you let Acnologia keep you down." Sting thought bitterly, and kicked a rock. "Hypocrite."

Natsu Dragneel, the Salamander himself. Exterminated with the rest of Fairy Tail. Because they weren't strong enough.

He turned back to Lector, smile almost a perfect image of the ones from his past, except this smile didn't reach his eyes. "It's alright. I was just upset. I'm over it now."

Lector didn't look like he believed it, and neither did Sting. The young dragon went over and took the cat's paw in his hand. "I'll just have to find another way to prove myself. For you Lector. No one will ever call us liars again.

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