Chapter 2

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WARNING: This chapter has a little bit of self-harm so I would just like to apologize in advance


I snuck through the door hoping and praying that my father would be asleep. Just to my luck he wasn't. He was sat on the couch glaring at me. I could smell stale cigarettes and beer, I could tell that he was drunk, but I just didn't know how drunk. I looked at the coffee table and noticed six beer bottles and knew that I was about to get the beating of a life time. He tried to stand up but fell back down. After sitting there for a couple of seconds he finally got up and started stumbling towards me. I was about to run before he grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to where he was sitting. He threw me to the floor and sat in front of me "Where were you?!." His words slurred and his breath made me cringe. I looked away trying to hold in the tears. "Look at me when I speak to you, you bitch!" I looked at him with tears forming in my eyes. "You're ugly and worthless and thats why your mother left us. She doesn't love you and she doesn't love me." He slapped me round the face. I touched my cheeck as gently as I could but it still stung. He punched me in the face and I could feel blood dribbling down my nose and on to my lip. He bashed my head against the floor, making my head start to pound and my vision go blurry. I hadn't noticed the tears until he started yelling at me again "SHUT UP!! STOP YOUR WHINING, YOU SELFISH LITTLE BITCH!" He shoved me out of the way as he stood up and stumbled to the fridge to get another beer. "Go kill yourself you ugly little shit! I have had enough of you already!" I ran upstairs with tears streaming down my face; I felt the saltiness off my tears settle on my lips. I locked the door and started packing everything i knew i would need. Clothes, make-up, toletries and anything else important to me. I knew Keith, I mean Two-Bit, was getting me tomorrow but I wasn't staying here for any longer. I lifted up my window and took one more look at my old room before finally stepping out. I started walking, not knowing where I was going but what I did know was anywhere was better than here. I walked to the park and sat under an old oak tree. I sat there hugging my knees trying to keep my body heat in. I sat there thinking about how different my life will be when I this town. I started thinking about what my dad said to me. Was it true? Am I really ugly? Was I the reason my mum left? Should I kill myself?

I was sat under the tree for what seemed like minutes but turned out to be hours. I knew it was hours because the sun had just started to rise. I was still thinking about what my father said to me when I took out my switchblade which I stole from the hardware shop around the corner. I stared at it for a couple of seconds and let it glide delicately down my wrist a couple of times. I wiped the blood off of my blade onto the grass and put it away. I sat and watched blood softly dribble down my wrist and sink into the earth below. I knew I deserved all the pain and suffering. I wiped my wrist on my t-shirt, leaned my head against the bark of the tree and let my eyes rest.


I wasn't very happy with this chapter but oh well. Shall I start posting a chapter everyday? Hope you guys like it and yeah

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