Chapter 31

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Florence's POV

I got out of the hospital today and we all decided to go to Bucks for a party to celebrate.

I swear Buck has a party every day, like no joke.

Anyway, I was up in my room getting ready while everyone was downstairs waiting for me. I decided on wearing a sunflower print skater skirt that ended just a little bit after my bum and a top to match (The outfit Ariana Grande wears in her music video 'Baby I') and some nude heels to match. I curled my hair into tight ringlets. I wanted people to focus more on my eyes than anything else makeup wise so I gave myself a smokey eye, but with colours that would make my eyes pop, then I curled my lashes and put on mascara and that made my lashes look real long. I just put on some nude lipstick with lipgloss. I put on a pearl necklace and matching earings. I grabbed my switchblade and shoved it into the waistband of my skirt and looked myself over in the mirror. 

The doctors taught me that it was okay to hate myself because everyone does, but for some reason that made me love myself. I'm happy with my weight, I have curves in all the right places, I have nice boobs and a nice bum, my hair is a nice length and a pretty colour and I should be proud of myself.

Happy with the outcome of the outfit I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. Everyone was in the other room so nobody had seen me yet. I went to one of the cupboards and whipped out some nutella because nutella. I grabbed a spoon and just started eating out of the jar. (I actually do this) I pulled myself up onto the side closest to the door so I could hear what the boys were talking about. "You really like her, don't ya Johnnycake?"

"Yeah I really do. If we were old enough I'd marry 'er." It was silent. "What?"

"You're in love, man."

"That's okay. I kinda like it." I smiled to myself.

"I should probably see whats takin' 'er so long." I jumped off the side and walked to one of the cupboards.

"Hey, Two-Bit, have we got any peanut butter?" I actually really wanted some peanut butter.

"No, I don't-" He cut himself off. I turned around and he was gawking at me.

"Take a picture, it will last longer." I smirked and he just glared at me. I stuck my tongue out at him and went back to eating nutella.

"You ready?" I nodded and walked into the other room still eating nutella. The guys were still talking and hadn't noticed I was stood there so I thought I would have a little fun. I started screaming a blood-curdling scream. When I was done everyone either looked at me in confusion or were scared. I just started giggling at everyones reaction. When I calmed down everyone was staring at me with their mouths opened. I just stood there munching on nutella and smirking. 

"You guys just going to sit there checking me out or are we going to a party?" No answer. "I'll just go without all of you and just dance with all of those boys tryin' to make a move on me. Well bye, see you tomorrow probably." And with that I walked out the door smirking. 

"On no you won't." I heard Johnny yell from the other room and run into the kitchen.

"Well, hi there. Decided to make an appearance after all then?" He just laughed.

"Shut up you." He started tickling me and I couldn't stop laughing.

"J-Johnny! Stop! Please!" I was laughing so hard.

"Say 'Johnny's the best and I love him'."


"Well, okay then." He carried on tickling me and I was laughing so hard I started to cry.

"I give up. Johnny's the best and I love him!" He stopped.

"That's what I thought." He leaned in and kissed me and I immediately kissed back. I hadn't realised the gang was watching us until there was a bunch of whoops and cheers. I just laughed at them and started walking out the door swaying my hips because I knew that they were watching me from behind. 

We were almost at bucks when I slipped my heels off and started running. Don't ask me why I just wanted to do it. I heard the gang shouting my name and running after me. I was laughing so hard I hadn't realised I'd ran into someone. I was about to fall when I felt someones arms wrap around my waist. I looked up to see a boy about the same height as Dally but with muscles like Darry. He had short blonde hair the was combed with grease and he had sparkling green eyes. He smiled down to me and I returned the smile. What mesmerized me about the boy was his eyes. They were so green that I couldn't believe that they were real. "Are you okay?"

"Uh yeah I'm fine. Sorry for running into you. I should have watched where I was going."

"That's okay. It's not everyday you bump into a beautiful girl. So why were you running?"

"I was just messing about with my friends."

"Oh so there's more pretty girls?" I laughed.

"I wouldn't say pretty or girls, more like handsome and boys." He gave me a confused look. "I hang out with my brother and his friends, they treat me like family." He just nodded.

"So you got a name, beautiful?"

"Florence, you?"

"Kyle." He held out his hand for me to shake. I heard running feet behind me and then someone stand next to me. 

"Who's this, Flo?" I turned to see Johnny glaring at Kyle. I honestly thought that was really cute and it honestly flattered me, a lot.

"This is Kyle, I just fell into him. Kyle this is my boyfriend, Johnny." I kissed Johnny's cheek and then laced our fingers together. Johnny blushed a little bit and smiled at the ground. I looked up to see Kyle looking really sad. He just nodded. "Anyway I got to go, Kyle. See you around sometime." He put on a fake smile and nodded. I slipped my heels back on and walked off with Johnny and the boys behind us.

"Who was that, Florence?"

"I don't know. I told you Johnny I ran into him and he caught me. It doens't matter anyway."

"And why is that?" He was clearly annoyed.

"Because he wasn't as cute as you." He leaned in and we started kissing in the middle of the street.

"Come on lovebirds lets get going." We carried on walking and Johnny started to swing our hands back and forth as we walked.


Drama will be coming up later by the way so look forward to that :)

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