Chapter 26

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I have been living with Mary and all the other girls for a month and a half now. Today is my last day here and no one knows how happy I am to leave and see the gang again. I haven't worn a dress no matter how many times she has told me to but today I think I just might wear one. I haven't seen Johnny since Mary told me I was grounded. I have talked to them on the phone and Pony told me how him and Johnny met a couple of girls at the park. He told me that one of the girls kept flirting with Johnny and they hang out a lot. I got so angry and jealous but I kept my cool while talking to Pony and Johnny.

While everyone was downstairs eating breakfast I was upstairs getting ready. I wanted to look nice for the guys. I decided I would wear a dress today because I wanted to see Mary's face. I decided on a black skater dress. It had a sweetheart neck which made my cleavage look amazing. I didn't have any nice shoes so I put on my dirty, white converse. Lastly I put on Johnny's jean jacket. I made my hair look like beach waves and put in a black, lacey bow. I did my usual makeup with a matte, peach lip. When I was happy with my outfit I threw everything into my bag and hopped down the stairs and into the room where the girls were eating. I took my seat in front of Mary and she smiled at me. "I'm sorry, Mary."

"For what?"

"For being such a bitch." She glared at me. "I mean for being a horrible person to you and the girls. It was uncalled for."

"But why were you being so horrible?"

"Because I wasn't happy here, I guess. I just wanted to go home so I acted up."

"I understand. It's fine, Florence. When you're done eating we will take you home."

"Thank you, Mary."

When I finally got home I said goodbye to all the girls and ran upstairs to my room. I threw my bag on the floor and flopped down on my bed. "I missed you, bed." I kissed my pillow and stood up again. I strolled downstairs. "Is anyone home?"


Must be at the Curtis' house. I grabbed my switchblade that I stole myself. It's a real nice one too. I shoved the blade in my shoe and started for the Curtis household. I noticed a blue mustang following me the whole way there. As I turned into the gate the mustang stopped but drove off again. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding. I walked in and no one was there. I just shook it off and sat down on the couch. I turned the television on and Mickey was on tv. I stared intently at the it when I suddenly heard a noise from coming upstairs in Soda's old room. I walked upstairs slowly and stood infront of the door. I pressed my ear against the door. "Johnny..." I heard someone moan. I pushed the door open and suddenly I couldn't breath, I couldn't move, I couldn't talk. The display that was being held in front of me was enough. I girl with bleach blonde hair was only in her underware and was sat on top of Johnny with her hands on his bare chest. He had his hands on her ass and they were sucking each others face off. I felt like time froze itself. I finally had the strength to talk. "Just like Dallas." They both stopped and turned to look at me. I looked at Johnny's face and it had guilt written all over.

"Florence, it's not what it looks like."

"I think it's exactly what it looks like." I felt like crying. Ever since I went to the girls home I haven't cut, not once. I didn't feel the need to. But right now I felt the need to slit my throat. I had finally got fix but Johnny went and broke me all over again. I wripped his jacket off my arms and threw it on the floor. "And to think I loved you." I didn't shed one single tear no matter how much I wanted to I didn't let them fall. Johnny did though, he burst into tears.

"Please forgive me."

"No, Johnny. We're over. I don't ever want to see your face again! You're just like fucking Dallas Winston! Maybe even worse!" With that I ran out the house as fast as I could. Tears started to pour down my face. I couldn't hold them in any longer.

As I was running I noticed a bunch of 6 greasers wlaking towards me. I noticed all of them and I know they noticed me. A look of confusion appeared on their face and then a look of worry. I couldn't care less to be truthfully honest. I just wanted to die. Johnny made me think that people could actually love me and care for me but it was all just a lie. A complete and utter lie. As I ran closer to them, with tears still coming out of my eyes, I tried to run past them but that didn't go exactly to plan. Two-Bit jumped in front of me before I could get past them and wrapped his arms around me. I didn't give up that easily. I squirmed in his arms trying to get free. By now the whole gang was trying to calm me down. "Let me go!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was crying even more now.

"Florence, what's wrong?" Soda's voice was soothing and calm. I finally stopped trying to move but Two-Bit didn't let go of me.

"All you need to know is that I hate Johnny Cade, Okay?"

"Why? Johnny is at our house sick?" Ponyboy sounded so much like Soda that it calmed me even more.

"Tell that to the the naked broad whos face he was sucking off." With that I wripped out of the circle the guys had formed around me and through my switch into the middle of the road. I started running again with the guys following behind me. I started to slow down when Ponyboy tackled me to the ground.

"If you keep running off you could get killed by socs."

"Only if I'm lucky." I wriggled out of his arms and ran again. I ran with the gang still after me.

After five minutes of running I was positive that they weren't following me anymore. I walked into A pharmacy and grabbed two bottles of sleeping pills off the shelf. I slammed them down on the counter and paid. The man didn't even question me and I was so thankful for that because I didn't really want to talk about what I was planning on doing with them. 

I walked to the lot with the bottle of pills in my hands. I sat down on the old car seat where me and Johnny shared our first kiss. I twisted the lid off the bottle and started talking them.

1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11.. Just as I was about to put another one in I heard people screaming but it soon became muffled. I almost fell but I kept my self sitting up straight. Now I saw the gang in front of me. Their faces had shock and worry written all over them. I saw Johnny. His eyes were all red and puffy from what I guess was crying. Soon all their faces became a blur and I still heard them talking. I collapsed and my eyes fell shut. "Florence, stay with us babygirl."

"What did she take?!"

"Sleeping pills and a lot by the looks of things."

"Somebody help! I can't lose my sister, she's all that I got."

"Darry, we got to get her to the hospital!"

"This is all your fault!"

"I didn't mean to!"

"What do you mean you didn't mean too?!"

"She kissed me. Had me pinned down and everything. I love her, I would never cheat on her! She means everything to me!"


"Florence! Stay with us baby." I couldn't hear anything after that. It all went black and I couldn't move. What happened?

I will try to fix you(The outsiders/Johnny Cade fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now