Chapter 29

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Florence's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night gasping for air. I remember everything and everyone. I looked down on the floor and saw everyone asleep. I needed to talk to Two-Bit now. I was proud of myself. Two months of forgetting everything and then one nights sleep and it all comes flooding back filling my dreams of the gang. I slowly made my way to where Two-Bit was sleeping and kneeled down beside him. I started shaking him. "Wake up would ya?" He rolled over and looked at me with confusion written all over his face.

"Florence what's wrong?"

"I remember."


"I remember everything. I remember Steve and choclate cake and how Soda is Steves best friend. I remember Sodapop has two brothers, Ponyboy and Darry. I remember Darry being like a father to me and I remember Ponyboy would always read to me whenever I got bored. I remember Ponyboy being best friends with Johnny and I remember Johnny looking up to Dally. I remember everything!" I whisper yelled to him. I then tackled him into a hug. "I remember you being the bestest big brother ever." He hugged me back and his grip around me tightened.

"I'm never letting you out of my sight again, ya hear me?" I just nodded.

"Don't tell the gang I remember I want to surprise them tomorrow." He smiled at me and nodded.

"Always full of surprises aren't ya?" I just smiled and nodded.

"Oh I almost forgot." I pulled up the sleeves of my sweatshirt to show my scars. "I havent cut in six weeks. Now they are just battle scars." 

"Battle scars?"

"Yeah. The doctor told me that I was just at war with myself and that the scars show that I won that war. I'm proud of my scars. It shows that yeah I was weak but I won and now I'm strong." I smiled proudly of myself.

"Well I'm glad you won the war. We should get you one of those medal things." I just laughed and hugged him again.

"I'm going back to sleep. Night Two-Bit." I kissed his cheek and climbed back into bed.

***10 O'Clock***

When I woke up all of the gang were awake and hovering over at me. I was a little taken back and started to freak out but I soon calmed myself. "Hi." I said shyly. They all just smiled in response and all sat dotted around the floor excapt for Two-Bit who sat at the end of my bed. The nurse strolled in.

To tell you the truth I really didn't like my nurse. She was just to bitchy.

"What would you like for breakfast, Florence?" She glanced over at Dally and smirked at him but he didn't notice.

"Chocolate cake please." I smiled innocently at her. The gang chuckled.


"Yeeees." I dragged it out.

"Well okay." She walked out, her hips swaying as she walked. Funny thing, none of the gang was paying attention to her because they were to busy looking at me.

I knew my hair must look a state so I through it up into a ponytail and turned the hospitals television on. Of course Mickey was on. The whole gang turned to watch the tv and no one noticed the nurse had come in with chocolate cake and then left again. I turned around and there was a tray in front of me with chocolate cake sitting on it. "Yea!" I screamed and started eating it. The gang was watching me and I started to smirk. Something I picked up from Dally. "Chocolate cake reminds me of one of my friends Steve." Everyone looked at me with shock written all over their faces. I was trying so hard to hold back the laughter and so was Two-Bit. "And Darry because we would always make chcolate cake together. Darry's like my dad." I noticed Steve and Darry's face light up and a smile formed on both of their faces. I couldn't help but feel happy. "Hey Pony can you read to me, just like old times. I haven't had anyone read to me in months and I don't like reading myself." Soon Pony started smiling as well.

"You remember?"

"Yep, everything and everyone." I stared at Johnny and he looked down at his feet.

"Do you remember me doll?" Dally's face started to get uncomfortably close to mine.

"Yep. You're Dallas Winston. Now get your face away from mine." I flicked his noes and everyone started laughing. He backed away holding his noes and glaring at everyone.

"How long have you remembered?"

"Since last night. Everything came to me in a dream and I felt like I needed to tell someone and then I annoyed Two-Bit with me memory's and scarring." I carried on eating my chocolate cake.


"Yeah. Scarring." I pulled my sleeves up and there was scars all the way up both my arms. No new cuts just scars. "They're my battle scars from the war with myself and I'm proud of them." Everyone just smiled at me.

"You should be proud. So how long have you gone without cutting?"

"3 months and a half." I smiled proudly and everyone clapped.

"I think you deserve an award of some sort. What do you want?" I thought for a while.

"More chocolate cake. But not just any chocolate cake. Darrys chocolate cake. I haven't had any of that in forever." Everyone just laughed at me.

"Well, I'll go get you some, Flossy." Darry stood up and kissed my forhead. "Nice to have you back."

"Nice to be back." He walked out of the room. "You guys should probably go eat."

"We don't want to leave you."

"I can handle it. I have been by myself for 2 months I can handle an hour or so." They all just nodded.

"We'll be right back." I nodded my head and they all ran out the door except for Johnny who just sat staring at me.

"Aint you hungry?" He just shook his head. Still looking at me. His eyes begging for forgiveness. "Explain?" I choked out. My voice barely a whisper. He opened his mouth to start the story...


WOO she remembers. Will she forgive Johnny? Or will Johnny be in deep doggy doo-doo?

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