Chapter 3

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Two-Bits POV

I was driving to Florences house when I saw a girl asleep under a tree. She was lying on a black duffel bag and had an old skateboard laying next to her. I pulled the car next the the field and both me and Johnny got out and started walking towards her. I had brought Johnny with me 'cause he was the only one that knew what it was like to get abused and they are about the same age. When we got to the girl she was shaking like mad and there was dry blood on her face and head. I started to shake her gently to wake her up. Her eyes flicked open and i could tell that she was scared to death by seeing two complete strangers stood infront of her. I watched her delicate, little hands reach for her back pocket slowly. I turned to look at Johnny and he couldn't take his eyes of her. I turened back to look at the girl with a black handled switchblade in her hands about 3 inches and had a little bit of blood on the sharp silver blade. I whispered "I'm Two-Bit." I watched her aqau blue eyes light up.

"Two-Bit?" Her voice silent and soft. She put away her switchblade and jumped into my arms. "I'm Florence." I felt my eyes light up and I hugged her back. I helped her stand up and grabbed her stuff. I put my hand around her and pulled her close and smiled at her. We got into Darry's truck and started our route home. 

***At Two-Bits house***

I showed Florence the guest room which is now her room. "Do you mind if I use the shower?"

"No, course not. It's your house aswell now."

"Thank you." She set her stuff down on the bed and started to unpack I left her to unpack and get cleaned up. I walked into my room and laid down onto the untidy bed and stared at the ceiling thinking if I should introduce my kid sister to the gang. I wasn't sure if she could handle it. She had a little trouble talking to Johnny even though he has been through the same thing as her. I was just about to go downstairs and dial the Curtis' house when it started to ring. I picked it up "Hello? Matthew residence, Two-Bit talking."

"Hey, Two. Its Soda. We were all wondering when we got to meet your sister?"

"Oh, um. I don't think you guys will ever get to meet her." There was silence.


"'Cause I don't want you guys to meet her. I told you what happened to her, I don't think she can handle it." Silence again.

"Ask her if she wants to meet us 'cause we want to meet her." I was silent.

"Fine. Hold on." I walked upstairs and Florence was out of the shower.

"Hey, Florence, Would like to meet my friends 'cause they want to meet you." I really wasn't sure about this. I was hoping she would say no but to my luck she said yes. I stomped all the way down the stairs and back to the phone. "We will be round in a couple of minutes." I heard laughing in the background and then I hung the phone up. I sat down on the couch when I heard footsteps come into the room and saw a small, innocent-looking Florence standing in front of me. She had her hands behind her back and she was looking at her feet. Her long brunette hair hid the sides of her face as it flowed down off of her shoulders. "Sorry I took so long, please don't hit me. It won't happen again." She said in a whisper I only just about heard it. 

"Why would you think I would hit you?"

"Because dad always did if I took to long." I stood up and I saw her flinch. I slowly walked over to her and brought her into a bear hug and she hugged me back. Very lightly at first 'cause I guess she wasn't use to it but then she tightened her grip and I felt a smile grow across my face. "Right, come on lets go. The guys are probably waiting for us."

"Okay, let me just put my shoes on."

Johnny's POV

Sodapop was just about to phone Two-Bit again when The door burst open and Two walked in with Florence. Gosh, she sure was a doll. Her brunnette hair was pefectly curled and had a pink polk-a-dot bandana tied in it. She had a pink flowy crop top on and she paired it with blue denim shorts. She was wearing white converse but they were dirty and ruined. Her aqua blue eyes were sparkling and she had mascara on her amazingly long eyelashes. And her smile, wow, her smile was perfect. You could tell she felt awkward by the way she kept looking at her feet and the way she kept playing with her hands. Two-Bit walked her  over to the couch and she sat down next to me. I looked away "Hi, Johnny." She whispered. I looked at her and she was smiling at me.

"Hi, Florence." I turned to look at Dally who was staring at her with lust in his eyes. I felt jealousy build up inside of me. I looked around the room to see everyone was staring at her. I felt my jealousy get bigger. "So. Whats your name, cutie?" Dally smirked at her. I turned to look at Two-Bit who was glaring at him. "My names Florence but everyone calls me Flo for short."

"My names Dallas but everyone calls me Dally." He winked at her and my fists clenched. I turned to look at Flo and she had tensed, I could tell she was uncomfortable. She stood up "I'm getting a little warm. I'm gonna go outside for a bit." She walked out of the room me watching her the whole time. "Hey, Johnny?"

"Yeah, Two?"

"Do you think you could go talk to her for me?"

"I'll do it!" Dally said before I could reply to Two-Bits question. He stood up and started to make his way towards the door.

"No Dallas Winston. I said I want Johnny to go and talk to her, I want YOU and everybody else to stop making her feel uncofortable. You guys know what she went through and she hasn't gotten over it. This morning she thought I was going to hit her because she took so long getting ready. Johnny please go talk to her now." I nodded and walked out the door to find her sat on curb. She was just staring straight ahead of her.  I slowly walked out of the fence and sat next to her. She looked at me with tears forming in her eyes and smiled like nothing happened. 

"You okay?" I asked, honestly worried about her.

"Why do you care? You don't even know me."

"I may not know you, yet, but that doesn't mean I don't care about you."

"Did Two-Bit put you up to this?"

"To be honest, yes he did but I would have come even if he didn't tell me."

"Really?" She looked me straight in the eyes.

"Really." I smiled and she smiled back. "So you going to tell me what's wrong?"

"I don't acatually know. I just got really awkward. I'm not use to it. I don't know, I'll get use to you guys. That Dally though kind of creeps me out and I have a feeling we is gonna try something else on me. I just have never felt loved really." I could see a tear roll down her delicate cheek. I wiped her soft cheek with my thumb.

"I know what it's like to be abused. My dad and mum hit me. If it wasn't for the gang I probably wouldn't be alive. They are my family. And Dally, he is actually a real nice guy when you get to know him. He just has this tough guy image to protect. You should get to know the guys 'cause they are tuff and trust me they all care about you if you let them."

"Thanks, Johnny." She wrapped her arms around my neck and I hesitated to wrap my arms around her but I ended up hugging her back. I felt a hand on my shoulder; I looked up to see Two-Bit glaring at me. I quickly pulled away from our hug and ran inside the house. Gosh, I sure do love her. I just wish I knew if she loved me back, probably not. I can tell Dallas wants her and Dallas always gets what he wants.

I will try to fix you(The outsiders/Johnny Cade fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now