Chapter 21

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Johnny's POV

I woke up the next morning  with Florence still asleep in my arms. Her face was nuzzled into my chest and her hand was on my stomach. I pulled her closer to me and she snored which made me chuckle a little bit. I kissed her head and  she started to groan and stir. Her eyes flickered open and they weren't her usual blue eyes. They were grey and had blue speckled in them. "Good morning, Johnnycake." She smiled.

"Good morning, Flossy. How d'ya sleep?"

"Best I've had in a long time." She smiled and rested her head back on my chest. 

"How do you think Dally is going to react when he finds out that you're my girl?"

"I'm not sure but I don't think he will be that mad."

"Hey guys. What's going on here then?" Ponyboy had a smirk on his face.

"Hey Ponyboy." Florence laughed.

"Are you guys finally a couple?"

"Yeah, we are."

"Finally. We have all been waiting for you guys to become a couple. The gang is going to be so happy that ya'll finally got together." Both Florence and I laughed. "Except for maybe Dal."

"What about Two-Bit?"

"He said he'd rather you go out with Johnny than Dally. Atleast he knows that Johnny won't break your heart like Dally did."

"Good, 'cause I would have gone out with Johnny anyway." She gave me peck on the lips and then layed back down on my chest. Just then the door burst open and Steve and Two-Bit came running in. Ponyboy walked into the kitchen and started making eggs.

"Whats going on here then?" Two-Bit looked at us and cocked an eyeybrow.

"Just a couple cuddling on the couch." Florence smiled at Two-Bit who didn't freak out or try to kill me.

"About time. Now can you move your feet because I want to sit down." We both moved our feet and Steve sat on the other end of the couch. Flo flopped her feet on Steve's lap. She smiled at him and he just shook his head while laughing. We were all sat about for a couple of minutes until the door swung open and Dally walked in with a cancer-stick stuck on his bottom lip. He stared right at me not saying or doing anything. He just stood there staring at me for a while which was making me uncomfortable. I think Florence could tell because she grabbed my hand and interwined our fingers. Dally looked down at our hands and then back up at me. He looked like he was about to kill me but instead he just walked into the kitchen. "You okay?" Flo whispered in my ear.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I whispered. She cupped my face with her delicate, little hands and pulled me in for a kiss. I smiled through the kiss and so did she. I heard Steve whistle which made me and Flo pull away. I could tell I was blushing because she kissed my cheek and giggled. "You're cute when you blush."

"You're cute even when you don't blush."

"You're cheesy."

"But you love me." She laughed.

"Yeah I do." Then she kissed me again. When we pulled away Dally walked back in and Flo spun round so she was sat next to me and not laying across the couch. Dally sat next to her and Steve and just stared at the tv. I wrapped my arm around her and she rested her head on my shoulder. I could feel everyone watching us but I tried to ignore it. "Hey, Johnny, come with me? I need to go get changed."

"Uh, sure." We both slipped our shoes on started for the door. "Bye, guys."

"Use protection." I started to go red and everyone laughed including Florence. Once we were out the door she grabbed my hand and we started walking down the road. 

I will try to fix you(The outsiders/Johnny Cade fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now