Chapter 7

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Florences POV

I had been staying on the Curtis' couch for about three days now. Two-Bit hasn't left my side and neither has Soda. Over the last couple of days Soda and I have gotten really close. I feel like he is another brother to me. I know all of his secrets and he knows all of mine. He even knows how I feel about Johnny. I had to bribe him to not say anything to anyone especially Two 'cause he'd probably flip at the idea. Dally has been surprisingly pleasant to me, which is really weird for him. I pormised Darry that when I'm better I would cook dinner to make up for him letting me stay on the couch. He said that I didn't have to but I wanted to so I was going to cook tonight. Two-Bit says that I can actually go outside today when all the boys get up and go out with the boys and stuff because I have improved. 

I didn't bring enough clothes with me so I gave Steve a list of all the things I wanted and he gave it to Evie so she could go buy it all for me.

I have been sat on the couch for atleast an hour watching mickey mouse. Two-Bit was still asleep on the floor and I slightly hoped he would get up 'cause I was getting bored to be by myself. As I was about to get up to get a drink Johnny  walked into the house very silently. He saw that I was awake and smiled at me and then stared back down at his shoes. "Hey, Johnnycake."

"Hey, Flo. How ya feeling?"

"A lot better. Two-Bit says I can go out with ya'll today."

"Hey, that's great. Where is everyone?"

"Still asleep."

"Oh. Well I can come back later." He started for the door.

"No, stay. I'm bored and need someone to talk too."

"Um, okay." He sat down on the other end of the couch just staring at the old black and white television. Just yesterday he was all happy and talking to me now he wont even look at me. I opened my mouth to say something when Darry came down the stairs. "Morning, Guys. Do ya'll want something to eat?"

"No thanks, Darry." I looked at Johnny's face. He looked like he had a cut and another bruise on his face.

"I'll have some please Darry, if you don't mind?"

"No course not, Flo. Hey can you go wake up Soda and Pony?"

"Yeah, sure." I untangled myself from my blanket and made my way up the stairs. Soda and Pony's door was slightly open. I pushed it open and slowly made my way to their bed. They both looked so cute asleep, too bad I have to wake them up. I climbed onto the bed and started bouncing on it. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" Neither of them moved. I sat down and went to go look at their faces when they both popped up and started tickling me. I was laughing so hard. "Do you give up yet?"

"Ne-ev-er" I said between giggles.

"Fine then." Soda picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Sodapop Curtis, you put me down right now!" Him and Pony were laughing.

"Nope. Do you need a shower, Flo?"

"What do you mean?" Before he could answer he gently dropped me in the shower and Pony turned on the shower head. It was freezing cold and I started shaking. "I hate both of you." I said stepping out of the shower. Both of them were to busy laughing to answer so I thought I would get my own back. "Can I have a hug Pony?"

"Not like that you can't."

"Too late." I wrapped my arms around Pony's neck and he tried to push me of but I tightened my grip. I finally let go of him. Soda was laughing so hard he fell on the floor. "You look like you need a shower soda." I pushed him into the shower and turned the hose back on. Now Pony was laughing, so I decided to push him into the shower aswell. They both just stood there while I started laughing. Before I knew it they had pulled me back into the shower.

We all walked down-stairs still in our clothes we had our 'shower' in. "What happened to you?" Darry asked and I could tell he was trying not to laugh. Two-Bit on the other hand was laughing so hard. "We had a shower. Can't you tell?" We all started giggling at Soda's remark. 

"Go up stairs and get dressed. All of you."

"But, Darry, I was hoping I could have a hug." I ran down the stairs and pulled Darry into a hug. 

"Oh God, Florence. Let go of me." I smiled at Darry. "Go get ready."

"Okay, okay." We all ran back upstairs. I turned to look at Johnny who was still staring at his feet.

I had just finished getting dressed when I heard Steve and Dally walk in. I checked my outfit over one last time and decided I liked it. I was wearing black skinny jeans, a floral bralet with a black leather jacket. I put on a pair of ruined black biker boots. I walked into the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. With my hair a put it in a quiff and a ponytail and then wrapped a plain blue bandana just after my quiff. For my makeup I did a simple winged eyeliner with mascara and some pink lipstick. I looked over my outfit one more time and thought I actually looke presentable. The top shows a little bit of my belly. You can see one of my scars from where my dad pulled a switchblade on me. I pulled my jacket over it and walked out of the bathroom. I started making my way downstairs when I felt everyone stair at me. I just ignored it and walked into the kitchen where Darry was still cooking. I still felt like the guys were watching me. "Hey, Dar-bear." I stood on my tiptoes to try and reach his height.

"Hey, Flossy. You look nice."

"Thank you. As do you." He started laughing. 

"Go call the boys in for breakfast please."

"Okay." I walked back into the living room where all the boys were staring at me. I looked at each indivdual person. Two-Bit looked like he was about to explode. His fists were clenched and he was biting the inside of his mouth. Dally was giving me elevator eyes and licking his lips. I felt like I was about to through up. The rest of the boys were just smirking at me as I put my hand on my hip. "Darry made food. Ya'll can go get it now."

"I think I'm good here." Dally winked at me and I rolled my eyes. 

"Fine then. More for me." I spun round and strutted off smirking.

"They don't want anything, Darry." I said it load enough for all the boys to hear. Darry got the clue because he replied with. "Oh well. More chocolate cake for me and you then." We both started laughing and made our way to the table trying to hold in the giggles. He cut me a piece and handed it to me. I started eating it very slowly. Steve was the first person to join the table, simply because I think he wanted chocolate cake. He sat down next to me and winked. I started giggling. "You have a really cute laugh, did you know that?" He turned to the boys and gave them a thumbs up. When he turned back I wiped icing on his nose. "I'll get you back for that, Matthews." I started laughing.

"No you won't. I'm too cute and innocent." I batted my eyelashes at him and he chuckled.

After a couple of minutes of me and Steve sat there eating and joking about all of the boys had joined us.


I will try and post a picture of Florence's outfit, but I apologize if I can't. I hope you enjoy this chapter you beautiful giraffes.

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