Chapter 1

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I ran down the street my, my feet pounding on the ground as I did so. I didn't know where I was going or if I will ever go back. I know I shouldn't be out by myself this time of night but I certainly wasn't going to stay there with him. I thought about going to my brothers house but he lives all the way in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He did tell me I could go down and see him if I ever wanted to but i just didn't know how to get there, and i din't want to turn up on his doorstep and for him to turn me down. I started to slow down when I remembered he gave me his number incase anything bad happened to me. I ran to the closest pay phone and dialed his number. It rang for a couple of seconds until someone picked up. "Hello?" A man asked with a cold, icy voice.

"Is Keith there?"

"Yeah, hold on one second." There was silence.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Hi. It's Florence, your little sister."

"Oh. Hi, Flo, how are you?"

"Not so good. I may have, just, sort of ran away from home."

"Oh my god. Are you okay? What happened? Where are you staying?" I laughed a little.

"Calm down, Keith. I'm fine, dad just hit me again and said some stuff to me and I just couldn't take it anymore. I'm not staying anywhere, I have no where to go."

"Well, you can't just stroll around on your own at night. Who knows what could happen to you." There was a pause. "You can come and live with me! I know its a crazy idea but I'd do anything to meet my little sister and to rescue her from that bastard. Mum won't mind, she has been wanting to see you since forever."

"I'd love too!" Reality suddenly hit me right in the face. "How will I get to you though? Dad would never drive me and I'm not old enough to drive myself." He stayed silent.

"I'll borrow my buddies car and come and get you. Do you think you could last tonight before I come and get you?"

"As long as you promise you'll come and get me?"

"I promise."

"Okay, I'll try. See you soon, Keith."

"Hey, Flo. Call me Two-Bit."

"Okay. Bye, Two-Bit."


***Two-Bit's POV***

After she hung up everyone looked at me in concern. "Who was that, Two?" Soda asked.

"Oh, Just Florence."

"Who's Florence?" Dally smirked.

"She's my kid sister and YOU, Dally, better not do anything with her and I mean anything. 'Cause if you do I'll skin ya." Dally rolled his eyes.

"Fine, I promise I won't do anything with your kid sister."

"What was she calling you up about?" Sodapop asked

"She is going to come and live with me. She has been getting abused by my dad and I don't want her getting hurt by that bastard anymore. I just hope she will last one more night..."


So this is the first chapter to my story. I hope you guys like it and give me some feedback?

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