Chapter 16

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Johnny's POV

I woke up the next morning staring at a ceiling I didn't recognize. I turned my head to see that Florence was fast asleep on my chest and I had my arms around her body. I started to feel butterflies in my stomach. I looked at the digital clock beside her bed and it said 9:38. I looked back at Florence and smiled. I kissed the top of her head and watched her sleep. She even smiles in her sleep and that makes me smile. "I can feel you watching me." She giggled.

"Sorry. You're so peacful when you sleep." She laughed and opened her eyes and stared at me.

"What time is it?"

"Uh, half nine."

"We better go see the gang." We both just stared at each other. I wasn't sure whether to kiss her or not. I decided against it because she's likes Dally and I don't want to make things awkward between us. 

Florence's POV

Gosh, I wish he would just kiss me. "Uh. We should probably get down to the guys." I stared right into his beautiful brown eyes.

"Yeah, maybe we should." He stared back at me and then stood up. "You coming?"

"uh, yeah." I stood up. "Let's go." I walked downstairs playing with my hands. I really wish I could tell Johnny how I felt about him. Everyone from the gang was here including Dally. I tried to avoid eye contact with him but I felt like he was staring into my soul. "Hey, guys. Whats everyone doing today?"

"Me and Sodapop gotta go to work in a sec. Darry's at work. Two-Bit's gonna go pick up some blonde broad and Pony and Dally are going to do some sort of trouble."

"Do you guys want to come with us? We were planning on going to the drive-in tonight as well, if you two want to tag along." I wasn't going to let Dally being there ruin my fun.

"Yeah, sounds cool. Let me go get ready." And with that I ran upstairs to get dressed. I ended up wearing a black skater skirt and a maroon sweatshirt that I tucked into my skirt; I put on some black vans. I didn't bother doing anything with my hair and put on a black beanie. I did some winged eyeliner and some lipbalm. I grabbed my longboard and walked downstairs. "Can we go now?"

"Yeah. Bye guys."

"Ya'll stop by the DX later."

"Whatever, bye." I ran out the door and hopped onto my board. I started skating and I heard the boys yelling at me to slow down which made me laugh. I turned to look back at them when I felt someone push me off my board. I sliced my knee up and my hands. I looked up to see who did it and it was the girl that was with Dally. I heard the boys running towards me but I was really far ahead from where they were. "I told you to stay the fuck away from Dally. Do you ever listen?!"

"I have just about had enough of your bullcrap. When are you going to understand that Dally doesn't go for whores!" She stared at me in shock. 

"I will kick your ass next time I see you with him!"

"Too scared to do it now, are we?" 

"No, I just don't want to make a bad impression in front of Dallas." The boys had stopped right in front of us.

"You made a bad impression when you slept with him, again and again and again."

"You bitch!" I just started laughing when she threw a rock at my head. "That will fucking teach you."

"You can't get rid of me that easy, honey." I picked up a bottle off of the ground and broke it on the ground. "I have been through a lot worse. Now back the hell up and leave me alone. You are just being pathetic now! Next time you lay a finger on me or anyone I love I will personally snap your neck with my bare hands! Now get out of here, you slut!" I through the bottle behind her and she screamed a little. "Run." I whispered to her. She ran but kept stopping to glare at me and smile at Dallas. I wiped the dirt off of my skirt and grabbed my board. "Come on then." I put my foot back on the board but the guys just stood there in awe.

"I didn't know you had that much anger inside of you." Pony was the first to speak.

"I had a different way of getting it out but ever since Soda told you guys I needed to find a new way of getting my anger out."

"Until Soda told us what?"

"Oh that's right. You were to busy lip smacking some other girl to know whats been going on with me." I pulled up my sleeve to show him and he started to tear up but stopped himself. I rolled my sleeve back down. "Lets go to the DX so I can clean up my knee."

The whole way to the Dx I tried to teach Pony and Johnny how to ride my longboard and I sure did get a kick out of it. When we got to the DX Soda and Steve were outside working on a car. "Hey, Pepsi-cola. Hey, Steven."

"My name is not Steven. It's Steve." I started laughing.

"Sorry, Steve. It's funny to see your reaction every time I say it."

"I forgive you. But only 'cause you're cute." I kissed Steve on the cheek.

"I know." I giggled a little bit.

"Hey, what happened to your knee?" I looked down to see that I had blood dribbling down my leg.

"Oh. One of Dally's broads attacked me. Told me to stay away from Dallas and if I don't she'll 'kick my ass'."

"What did you say back?"

"I told her if she lays a finger on me or any of you guys I'll personally snap her neck and then I threw a bottle at her. I think you guys should clean my cuts for me 'cause I'm wounded all over the place." I gave them my best puppy dog eyes and Soda picked me up bridal style and carried me to the front desk and sat me down.

"Let me get a clean cloth." He walked into the back room.

"This place is pretty cool. Wish I could stay here with you guys."

"You can tomorrow if you want, Flossy? Help us out a bit?"

"Yeah, thanks Steve." I hugged him and Soda came back out with a wet cloth and started cleaning my knee and leg. "Thanks, Pepsi-cola. See you tomorrow when I annoy you so much you'll start pulling out your hair." I hopped down and hugged Soda. He picked me up and started spinning me around.

"You are so light. You do eat don't ya, Flo?"

"Of course I eat, you idiot."

"Well do you keep it inside?"

"Yes. Stop being so over preotective, Sodapop. I will always eat, aint no one stopping me from eating. I'm better now, Soda, I promise. Now stop making a big deal and get back to work both of you." I slugged Soda on the arm and he chuckled while he walked out. I looked at the boys who were all staring at their feet. "Come one lets go." Pony grabbed my board for me and we walked out. 

I will try to fix you(The outsiders/Johnny Cade fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now